August 09, 2004

Trailer and Website for Nightwatch - A Russian Fantasy Blockbuster

I've been reading a bit about a couple of genre films making major box office waves in Europe without being able to turn up much information about them until now. The first is a sci-fi film out of Germany, the second is a time-spanning Russian fantasy epic called Nightwatch and thanks to one of our readers we've now got a website and trailer to share. Thanks Gene! It aint Tarkovsky, that's for sure, but if you're the sort who's still got a soft spot for Krull, Beastmaster and those old school low budget fantasy flicks this looks as though it could be a major guilty pleasure. Check the website here and the trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at August 9, 2004 03:02 PM

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I own Krull, Beastmaster(the movie) and a few other 80s low budget fantasy flicks (Red Sonia? Knights?). Not sure if its bragging rights, but there it is.

Looks hokey though. Not really sure what to think of it. Its not Krull, thats for sure.

Posted by: Rodney at August 9, 2004 04:23 PM

Hey, I own DeathStalker 2. I have seen all of them, but #2 is the best... actually it's a bad film, but somehow I love its campiness.

Back to Nightwatch, in the begging I thought, ouch, a bad Lord of the Rings rip off. Until the battle 'paused'. And then the setting switched. Wow, can't wait for that film

Posted by: PlutoNick at August 10, 2004 10:45 AM

Krull owned my teenaged ass back in the day. I love that film!

Posted by: Rob at August 10, 2004 12:11 PM

I don't know why are you comparing it to Krull. It has much more of a horror twist to it. Also it has some great special effects, for a fraction what it would be in Hollywood. And the movie is already available in America.

Posted by: Alexey at August 21, 2004 11:54 PM

I'v seen this movie dudes... this is good one and russin one! :P allthought you wont get much untill you read the book

Posted by: the bman at December 9, 2004 04:38 PM

This movie looks great. If only they had that five-pointed star blade throwing thingy from Krull in it. Then it would be perfect.

Posted by: Justin at May 28, 2005 10:25 AM

Krull and beastmaster were and still are legandary. But Night Watch is a masterpiece. With a budget of 4 million they amazed the world with its special f/x and look. It grossed more than LOTR3 and the amount of Russians that saw it in the theatre equals the amount of Russians living in Russia. - FACT

Quentin tarantino was so amazed by the film that he travelled over to shake the mans hand.

The film has excellent visuals and its got a nice amount of blood.

Posted by: Zaniest at August 6, 2005 02:43 PM

stop talking about krull anaway

Posted by: Zaniest at August 6, 2005 02:49 PM