August 27, 2004

Today is The Day. Show your Worth. Go See Hero.

It Is Now Friday
It has been far too long in coming - jostled by schedules of the ignorant - to simply let this red-letter weekend pass by without doing something about it.

This weekend: Take your ass. Place in Theatre. Watch Hero.

Shut Up. Do it.
Folks, we're actually not kidding about this.
Quit Reading. Leave. Now.

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 04:44 AM



i live in a small town, and you know what we got instead of hero?!??!

baby geniuses 2!!!

what the hell?

enjoy your big screen incredible movie, you bastards, as i wait for it to maybe come in.....

Posted by: miles at August 27, 2004 08:25 AM

Hehehe... I sypathize with you Miles. I lived in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan for a while... I know what it means to be living in movie poverty. I am with you in spirit my brother. I'm sure I'll be feeling your pain as i sit with my large Coke and Popcorn watching Hero on the glorious big screen... while you watch Catwoman again. MMmmmwwwwaaaaaahahahahahaha!!! (damn, I need to lear to control that evil laugh)

Posted by: John Campea at August 27, 2004 09:26 AM

Arggghhh too! I live in Edinburgh and with the complete lack of local advertising realised that Hero was showing too late to get any tickets.

Mind you...only two showings. Also missed The Machinist and the Purifiers, Old Boy, Primer, Trauma, Control Room and Hamburg Cell.

How can you miss so many movies? Live in Edinburgh and let the council totally ignore you cause you're paying for the Film Festival! That's how!!

Posted by: Richard at August 27, 2004 11:20 AM

at least you got the machinist!

and thankfully, i have not seen catwoman once so far...

Posted by: miles at August 27, 2004 12:41 PM

Hero is showing in Saskatoon.

We have come a long way since skipping over films like "Nurse Betty" and "Kings of Comedy"

Pacific Cinemas - HERO [PG] 1:20 3:50 7:05 9:30

Posted by: Rodney at August 27, 2004 02:48 PM

Actually, Hero is opening in Saskatchewan this very weekend! Will wonders never cease?

Posted by: Bella at August 27, 2004 06:15 PM