August 26, 2004

The Girl Next Door - I guess there's no place else to see naked women

girlnextdoor.jpgSomeone help me understand this. The Girl Next Door barely does $15 million at the box office when it was in theaters, a horrible failure by almost any Hollywood standard, but release it on DVD and call it an "unrated" version and suddenly it sold more than 700,000 DVDs on its first day of release? How does that happen?

It's not like The Matrix. The Matrix didn't do all that hot in the theater originally either, but it was a great film and word of mouth spread about it. By the time it came out on video people were anxious to get it. But no one liked The Girl Next door. No one has been waiting for it. So why sell so many copies?

Wrapped in a brown paper bag, the unrated version of the teen porn comedy, starring Elisha Cuthbert and Emile Hirsch, is on fire, Fox executives said, with DVD sales expected to top the film's $15 million box office gross by week's end.
Ok, so are little teen boys rushing out and grabbing their $22 DVD in the hopes of seeing some skin?!?! It that what's driving this? Man, if only there was some other way of seeing naked women. Oh wait... it's called the internet. We as a species are quite pathetic sometimes... and I often think the only reason God created the male gender was for women's comic amusement. Go figure.

Posted by John Campea at August 26, 2004 07:59 AM


theres plenty of this kind of behaviour all over the place. FHM : "porn for cowards" as johnathon ross calls it. POP MUSIC : buying records cos you think "theyre talented AND theyre fit"...
and in films too : BUY PORN ON DVD! its not washed-out, overpriced, difficult to find, or as badly written. things is : i honestly believe alot of people dont trust their own judgemtnet enough to looks for different qualities in different products so the stick to one area and even then they misjudge their choices. good stories : books... good visuals and stories : films... good visuals : art... sexy women nake and ACTUALLY DOING IT : PORN. it easy when you know how...

Posted by: logboy at August 26, 2004 11:04 AM

how about going out and paying for a massage escort or a street walker

Posted by: fugg at August 26, 2004 02:04 PM

This movie is actually really funny, I'm glad its getting some Elisa Cuthbert is unbelievably hot.

Posted by: DonWoo2 at August 26, 2004 02:08 PM

Hot, yes. Talented, no.

Posted by: PlutoNick at August 26, 2004 04:12 PM

I have to go on record with something. Now before you think I am some dirty old man, I predicted some 7 years ago when Cuthbert was on the Canadian educational program "Popular Mechanics for Kids" that she would grow up to be a hottie.

Pull the gitch out of your crack. I said GOING TO BE a hottie. She was 15.

I am just glad to see that she's turned into a decent actress as well as eyecandy.

I rented this movie last night. It was a lot of fun to watch. And aside from some brief nudity, its not so much about the porn as it is about her leaving it behind.

Posted by: Rodney at August 26, 2004 04:14 PM

Don't worry, Rodney, I thought you a dirty old man before you posted that.

Posted by: Bart Wang at August 26, 2004 05:07 PM

The car wreck at the beginning was cool.

Posted by: Cybermike at August 26, 2004 07:30 PM

...For those not brave enough to go watch a movie about porn in a theater, come stro---i mean watch it in the privacy of your own home!


Posted by: Jeremy at August 26, 2004 08:36 PM

I probably won't buy this movie on DVD but I will rent it because I didnt get a chance to see it in the theater and only really wanted to because Elisha Cuthbert is so freakin hot!

Posted by: Matt at August 26, 2004 09:35 PM

Ok. I probably am a dirty old man, but I had to make a good effort for public appearances.

Yes. I have to say that car wreck thing just totally floored me. I needed to take a moment to get my lungs out of my throat.

Posted by: Rodney at August 26, 2004 11:05 PM

not so big on old cuthbery myself....she is to barbie....and her face is broad....and she looks like a downs syndrome patient.

not to mention i heard she smells.

now, audrey hepburn....she was hot. what ever happened to classiness and sexiness? why is it always sluttyness and sexiness?

i mean, less clothes does not make a lady better looking...well...i guess it can make some borderline ones know what? i think i may just stop before i insult everyone.

Posted by: miles at August 27, 2004 08:32 AM

I enjoyed the movie but you couldn't really call it a grammy winner or anything. It was fun, silly, amusing, and all those adjectives as well as having some very attractive actresses in it. I didn't see it for the frontal shots but hey...thats like icing on the cake.

I kinda wonder about the amount of bought units though. If 700,000 copies were bought in the first week, how many were downloaded a month after it was released in theaters? The screener was out then...almost DVD quality...;)

Posted by: Chris at August 29, 2004 11:59 PM

I probably won't buy this movie on DVD but I will rent it because I didnt get a chance to see it in the theater

Posted by: bunn at September 26, 2004 07:29 PM

Elisha Cuthbert rocks :)

Posted by: gary at October 22, 2004 10:06 AM

lo elisa cuthbert u are the nicest person i have ever seen in my life. u are so beutyful u brighten my day i hope u get this cause id really like to talk to u and get to no u more i hope u get this cause u might not no what we can be together. pls contact me ok xxxxxxxxx

Posted by: Mark at November 23, 2004 05:36 PM

My friend saw Elisa when he went on a safari with this company: . He has some pictures of her in a nice little safari outfit, but they didn't come out real good. Did anybody else see her in Africa?

Posted by: African Safari at December 9, 2004 07:57 AM

I saw this film last night.
It's a nice comedy, but the fact change me is to see a nice girl like Elisa.
She's like an angel, I would like to find my girlfriend like her, not famous but so nice, so kind when she speak and incredible, unic.
If someone know her or she can read this message, I'll be happy to receive as guest in my ancient country hotel restaurant in Tuscany. See home page:
Kisses for Elisa

Posted by: Carlo at January 23, 2005 03:56 PM

Great remake of Risky Business for 2004. Funny characters and good looking leading lady for people to watch of all ages and go back in time at high scool. The soundtrack also kicks ass ! That Alisa Cutbert is a hottie!

Posted by: Mike Mahan at April 7, 2005 07:41 AM

Heh, well, I must admit that when Girl Next Door DVD was released, I almost immediately bought it. Yeah, the main reason was (and still is) 24-hottie Elisha Cuthbert, who is at this moment maybe sexiest girl in world.

BUT, what many people has seen in this movie after Elisha is, that it's in fact one of those better comedy movies, especially in teen-flick cathegory. No, the story doesn't rock my world but alltogetger the movie is fun, sexy and it makes me smile. It's not great movie or masterpiece or anything like that, but it's still good, very entertaining movie.

3½/5 (includes Elisha-Bonus)

Posted by: Jorse at April 7, 2005 08:30 AM

I watched it recently and it was a fun film, the lead actors were decent. Elisa was sooooooo hoooootttt!!!. See is one of the cutest female I have ever seen. Elisa rocks!!

Posted by: Jay at May 22, 2005 09:09 AM

elisa cuthbert....whatta girl?!
damn she's so pretty...
emile hirsch...he's so nice too...
i think i love them both...

639202153142....yes me!
i'm from philippines

Posted by: lanz at August 24, 2005 09:10 AM

elisha was great in this movie i just bought the movie today its.awesome so i dunno y it didnt go that well at theaters... elisha was so cute and fuckin hottt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Mikael at September 9, 2005 07:58 AM

The movie had really poor promotion in theatres, thats why it didn't have a big success, it had nothing to do with the movie itself.

They got smart and marketed the DVD better, and guess what, it sold a lot better. The movie is pretty good regardless, the only reason it didn't make big in theatres is there were a lot of other big movies out at the time and no one knew about this one ;)

Posted by: Matt at September 25, 2005 11:01 PM