August 13, 2004

Teaser Trailer for Steven Chow's Kung Fu Hustle Online

It's way too early and I'm way too tired to think of anything clever to say or to even bother to post a picture. It's Chow's follow up to Shaolin Soccer and it's a very brief teaser. Here it is.

Posted by John Campea at August 13, 2004 05:17 AM


Am I the only one whose gag reflex kicks in when they hear "Everybody was Kung-fu Fighting" in a movie trailer?

Posted by: tracy at August 13, 2004 11:09 AM

Oh, not by a long shot. There's a healthy contingent of people online who think the entire teaser is a thinly veiled jab at Miramax's mis-handling of Shaolin Soccer, hence the stomped soccer ball and use of the song.

Posted by: Bubba at August 13, 2004 04:07 PM

Hey bubba where can I find this healthy contingent. Do they know what is being said in the trailer?

Posted by: Gopherwartz at August 24, 2004 03:17 AM

I don't think that was the point, the trailer is just poking fun of his previous big hit Shaolin Soccer. I don't believe it has anything to do with miramax. I like the teaser, it's funny.

The kid: uncle (chinese way of showing endearment to a stranger, kinda like, buddy, but more age and gender influenced) can you show me how to play soceer.

Steven: Still play soccer?

Posted by: just a comment at August 26, 2004 02:39 PM

kungfu hustle officiously site

Posted by: xtvtkd at August 31, 2004 07:03 AM

kungfu hustle officiously site

Posted by: xtvtkd at August 31, 2004 07:04 AM

ooooh.. I can't wait for this movie... It's going to be out in a month or two here..

Posted by: =yin at October 24, 2004 03:17 AM

peuuuu...wassap2.i like s.chow film directing. action, humans sense, joke, also silly joke haha..but its alive. and da great combining ideas from his on creativities. so far ..its gud and excelencnt. i cant wait maaa...da muvi. i hope its funny than shoalin soccer.

Posted by: norhfz at December 5, 2004 11:36 PM

I hope this movie will be better than shoalin soccer... more jokes perhap.

Posted by: Angelheart at December 9, 2004 10:23 PM

I love danny chan(the axe gang leader)!!! He's so cool with his rotten teeth, slick coif and sleek-cheesy dance moves. By the way, i really don't think it was Stephen who chose that crappy trailer song.

Posted by: danny_boyeee at January 6, 2005 02:34 AM

Too bad I already have the movie on my computer

Posted by: I already have Kung Fu hustle at March 3, 2005 07:42 PM