August 23, 2004

Some Details On That Insane Old Boy Ultimate Edition

Some kind, Korean speaking soul has just posted a detailed list of the special features included on the four disc Old Boy Ultimate Edition over on the KFC boards. There are a lot of them:

The film itself, remastered for best possible a/v quality, with four commentary tracks; a 50 minute making of documentary; project notes; actor interviews; a feature on the art and music departments; 25 minutes of deleted scenes; a chat session between director Park and some fans; a Park-directed music video; an unreleased Chan Wook Park short film; another short film recommended by Park; a long, interactive feature called The Story of Old Boy; the soundtrack CD; and, finally, a fifty page book.

Now here's the kicker: this edition will be available by pre-order only. The manufacturer will accept orders only until September 13th and will manufacture enough of those hand made copper cases as are needed to fill those orders only. You will NEVER be able to buy this set in stores anywhere. YesAsia are now accepting pre-orders here. Their unit cost is a bit higher, but they ship for free which will make this a fair bit cheaper from them than from any of the Korean based retailers ...

Posted by John Campea at August 23, 2004 03:47 PM


i dont know if it was a joke : but hasnt someone said theres now also gonna be an FE : Final Edition....

Posted by: logboy at August 23, 2004 04:18 PM

GAH!!!! Even if those extras aren't subtitled, I'm really, really tempted to pick one of these up nonetheless. If nothing else, I could sell it on EBay in a few years and pay for my kid's college education.

Posted by: opus at August 23, 2004 05:51 PM

Tell me about it ... if the deleted scenes, short films and commentaries were subbed I'd have already placed my order as it is I'm sort of teetering on the edge ... I really, really doubt any of the extra stuff will be subbed, but I've emailed four different Korean sellers to see what they can tell me. If the news is good I'll post it here right away ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 23, 2004 05:59 PM

Just got word back from a couple of the Korean retailers I wrote ... definitely no subtitles on the supplements ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 24, 2004 05:10 AM

Damn this thing was $100. I bet it's worth it though because you can probably sell it more than what you paid for, even though it's used. I can't wait to get my set!!! So freakin excited but have to wait for 2 months.

Posted by: $100boy at August 30, 2004 12:29 AM