August 13, 2004

Seven Minutes Of Without A Paddle Online

without_a_paddle.jpgOkay, I posted a little something about the solid trailer for the Matthew Lillard / Seth Green / Dax Shepard comedy a while back so it caught my eye when I spotted that Moviefone had posted a seven minute clip from the film here.

I gotta say I totally buy it. Are we talking Oscar caliber performances here? Nope, but these guys are so good together, so natural, that I have no problem whatsoever believing that they've known each other for twenty plus years. These types of films are so often focused on making the characters 'quirky' that they forget that it's the relationships between the characters that lets us buy into the film, so it gives me great hope to see how well they've nailed these three friends. I think there's also a fighting chance that we're seeing the birth of a new sub-genre here. I first put this down as another stupid teen comedy film, but by casting thirty year old actors and letting them play their actual ages - with all the baggage that goes with that - we're actually getting a stupid gen-x film, a nostalgia piece for those of us who grew up with Revenge of the Nerds and Porkys instead of American Pie. Nice.

Posted by John Campea at August 13, 2004 06:53 PM


I think the movie Without A Paddle is a very funny movie. Instead of being like a scary movie it caught my attention and it made me laugh. If someone asked me to rate this movie from 1 to 10, I would give it 100%. That's how much I like this movie.

Posted by: Nicole at August 21, 2004 11:10 AM

the movie was great and dan the blonde guy is so hottt!!!! and ur the one that made it funny and the other guy but u were the best id say the same i would give it 100% it was great its my favorite movie well and the goonies but thats my firt [without a paddle

Posted by: angie at September 3, 2004 07:54 PM