August 23, 2004

Russian Fantasy / Horror Film The Night Watch Coming to North America

Here's a little something I came across thanks to the good people at GreenCine Daily - which you really should be reading, and not just because they keep saying nice things about us. You may recall us running a story on the Russian fantasy / horror blockbuster The Night Watch a little while back. Well, seems the film has generated enough buzz worldwide that Fox Searchlight has just bought rights to the original, the upcoming sequel and will be a funding partner for the third. You can check out the film's website here, the trailer - which evidently shows mostly the background moments and not much from the body of the film itself - here, and if you're feeling adventurous you can even go and buy yourself a nice, official, region free, NTSC copy on DVD here.

Posted by John Campea at August 23, 2004 12:13 PM


there was a piece about this on "talking movies" recently on BBC2 : great looking movie and part of a trilogy i hear, with part 2 almost finished and due in cinemas by the end of the year. BTW : i clicked the link to buy the dvd but i just got the store site not the exact page for the film... and erm, i dont speak russian... so any other help i might need appreciated...

Posted by: logboy at August 23, 2004 01:17 PM

Scroll down a bit until you get to the Video Top 10 list on the right hand side. The NTSC version is currently #1, the PAL is #3.

Posted by: Bubba at August 23, 2004 01:24 PM

Odd ... the link is taking me direct to the item page for the NTSC version (which is subtitled, by the way ... just realized I didn't say so in the post) ... what browser are you using? Something's not working the way it should ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 23, 2004 01:26 PM

First time I clicked the link it took me to the store, second time it took me to the actual DVD. Odd. Anyway, I must buy this ASAP!

Posted by: Luke Seeley at August 23, 2004 06:40 PM

for me a movie like this is worth the wait o see in a theater, why ruin it with a home viewing, on a foreign, poorly produced DVD? i prefer patience for the cinema personally.

Posted by: miles at August 24, 2004 03:42 PM

Night Watch forever! it`s very cool! actually dont you know the name of the main actor?

Posted by: east at September 2, 2004 06:15 AM

east,The main actor call Konstantin Habensky.
And still there is a book - night watch, Day time watch, Twilight watch,I think u should to read it :)

Posted by: smile :) at September 12, 2004 07:29 AM

I recently saw the movie (It was finally available in the US)I must say, it was very good but a bit stretched out and, it almost doesn't follow the books.

Posted by: Rini at September 23, 2004 08:00 PM

This film is wonderful!
Yes,it almost doesn't follow the books.
It is only FIRST PART of the novel "Night watch".
In the film---only main events of first part
of first book!

There are 3 PARTS in this novel.
Every novel(Night, day, Twilight watch) have
Finally: 9 PARTS very cool reading.
I read it in Russian.
So, study Russian, very easy!! :)))

Posted by: wladimir at September 28, 2004 04:50 AM

Really, not bad for Russia. Surprised me even.
Though I don`t like Sergej Lukjanenko`s (the author) books. Tried to read a few.. crap.
And not that I did like the plot a lot, but the movie is really good made.

Posted by: Ryzhaya_by at November 14, 2004 02:33 PM

How interesting. Night watch comig to US.
Well, i won't say it has very good effects, but the acting and the direction were the things for what i really liked this movie. Night Watch makes an impression of some psychodelic adventure while running at the great speed.
By the way, there were a lot of talks, quarrels and discussions in Russia after the premiere. The part of viewers got crazy with this movie, and the others didn't understand a bit of the plot or compared the book with the movie and tried to prove the book was better. Fortunately, i haven't read the book:)
I guess Lukianenko books wouldn't be such a crap if were translated good.
The Spectrum was considerd as the best book of Lukyanenko. But i have no idea was it translated into english or not. Try to find it.

Posted by: Lynx at December 9, 2004 07:36 AM

How interesting. Night watch comig to US.
Well, i won't say it has very good effects, but the acting and the direction were the things for what i really liked this movie. Night Watch makes an impression of some psychodelic adventure while running at the great speed.
By the way, there were a lot of talks, quarrels and discussions in Russia after the premiere. The part of viewers got crazy with this movie, and the others didn't understand a bit of the plot or compared the book with the movie and tried to prove the book was better. Fortunately, i haven't read the book:)
I guess Lukyanenko books wouldn't be such a crap if were translated good.
The Spectrum was considerd as the best book of Lukyanenko. But i have no idea was it translated into english or not. Try to find it.

Posted by: Lynx at December 9, 2004 07:37 AM

Being Russian, I can tell you 2 things:

1. The book is 100 times better than the movie.

2. Look for any Sergei Lukianenko books, if they get to be translated into English and published.

I wish someone would make an anime movie, based on his "The boy and the Darkness".

Posted by: r1pp3r at May 5, 2005 08:21 AM

what's the premiere date of night watch in US?

Люди, когда премьера дозора в америке? хочу на английском посмотреть

Posted by: Dima at July 11, 2005 04:31 PM

It's not the best Post-Soviet movie... I don't know what people like about it. It is dark! Nothing is beautiful in this film and soundtrack is sensless, by the way.

Posted by: Anonimous at October 17, 2005 11:44 AM