August 05, 2004

Ralph Fiennes is Lord Voldemort!

fiennes.jpgLadies and gentlemen, I present to you a flawless piece of casting: starring as Lord Voldemort in the upcoming fourth Harry Potter film, and presumably all subsequent Potter films as well, is Ralph Fiennes.

I thought they may have cast Voldemort a bit older than this, but frankly I'm very gald they didn't. Fiennes is absolutely perfect. I can't imagine anyone better suited for the part and I've got to say the Potter people have done a stunning job of stocking the support roles with stellar actors throughout the entire series. There aren't a lot of actors who could move comfortably from a Cronenberg film to a 'children's' film, but Fiennes has got the chops to pull it off.

Posted by John Campea at August 5, 2004 11:03 AM



Posted by: Johnny at August 5, 2004 09:27 PM


Posted by: EON at August 6, 2004 03:43 AM


Posted by: Morn at August 6, 2004 09:41 AM

Kudos to the casting people. Kudos. I can't wait for this movie now.

Posted by: Jonstafa at August 6, 2004 11:47 AM


Posted by: *** at August 7, 2004 04:52 PM


Posted by: *** at August 7, 2004 04:52 PM

Absolutly brilliant he really is the perfect Voldemort. I can't wait to see the movie!!

Posted by: Remus Lupin at August 15, 2004 09:35 PM


Posted by: mussu at August 24, 2004 03:50 PM

Perfect choice. I think he will do an amazing job.

Posted by: Sirius Black at August 28, 2004 01:33 PM

he was in maid in manhattin i love that movie
really good choise to harry potter director!!!

Posted by: Cho Chang 36 at August 29, 2004 07:56 PM

Well hes ok but they realy shouldent pick someone that HOTTTTTT!!!! to be voldemort i mean come on....

Posted by: sjpgurl at September 6, 2004 06:32 PM

Well hes ok but they realy shouldent pick someone that HOT!!!! to be voldemort i mean come on....

Posted by: sjpgurl at September 6, 2004 06:33 PM

Ralph Fiennes is the only person capable of doing a role like this. He is the master of all these Dark people. He WILL and CAN pull this off. Just watch.. and he'll prove it.

Posted by: RF Fan at September 21, 2004 09:20 PM

yes!dat is truly a good choice!i loved him in Red Dragon, n yep yep, he's capable of bein a badass!! kudos to d casting ppl!!

i din like d guy who played Lupin in the 3rd movie tho..seems to..daft..

Posted by: orenj at September 22, 2004 01:24 AM

Ralph as Voldemort? Great!!!!! I just love him, he´s an excellent actor, and I´m pretty sure he´ll mke a great Dark Lord.

Thumbs up for Ralph!!!

The only sad thing is, I hoped until the end, that he would play Lupin. He would have been much better than the guy who got the role in the end.

Posted by: Marcy at September 22, 2004 07:17 AM

He will make a PERFECT Voldemort! He will look REALLY SCARY once they get the make up on and the red glowing eyes! I'm really excited to see this movie!

Posted by: Brittany at October 7, 2004 06:29 PM

wow!what a handsome fellow! the movie's gonna be a big hit

Posted by: simonne at October 8, 2004 04:19 AM

Interesting casting. Ralph is hot which means that Voldemort will be hot as well. Hmmmmm..... strange but possibly entertaining. Perhaps Voldemort fanclubs will emerge after this movie comes out. Good news for people who like the bad guy. JK.

Posted by: Sunkistgrl113 at October 15, 2004 03:58 PM

i hope he can take over my role as good as I am we will see. he is cute enough to play my part

Posted by: Voldemort at November 2, 2004 02:50 PM

i hope he can take over my role as good as I am we will see. he is cute enough to play my part

Posted by: Voldemort at November 2, 2004 02:51 PM

i hope he can take over my role as good as I am we will see. he is cute enough to play my part

Posted by: he-who-must-not-be-named at November 2, 2004 02:51 PM

i hope he can take over my role as good as I am we will see. he is cute enough to play my part

Posted by: he-who-must-not-be-named at November 2, 2004 02:52 PM

I've never seen any of his films but i hope he is looks REALLY SCARY(not hott) because that is the point of voldemort right? hes supposed to be scary to everyone.

Posted by: valorie at December 7, 2004 07:01 PM

estoy impaciente x ver la siguiente peli y saver como es voldemort

Posted by: luna at December 30, 2004 10:57 AM

Have you seen Ralph in Schindler's List. Man the guy can act! I was so excited when I saw the cast list for HP4. One of my friends is in there as well and so I couldn't wait for it to come out. But now I say: Hey folks bring on the film!!

Posted by: Daniëlle at January 8, 2005 04:54 AM

Danielle--I've seen him in Schindler's List!! He was sooo good!!! But I felt kinda bad because I was like "he is sooo hott!!!" and his character was this evil guy...I am a big fan of Harry Potter (I love Rupert Grint) and Ralph Fiennes--so I can't wait to see it!!

Posted by: Toni at January 12, 2005 09:25 AM

He's going to be great! I saw him in the movie Wuthering Heights. He was really mean but you still wanted to like him. I can't wait to see how they turn him into Voldemort!

Posted by: Vivian at January 30, 2005 10:21 PM

well i spose they will put some make up on him , i mean, hes not really tall, skeleton thin, with red pupils and a snakelike face, is he? so i dont know..well just have 2 wait n see

Posted by: at February 7, 2005 04:38 AM

You asses John Malkovich would make a btter Voldemort

Posted by: D.atlas at May 1, 2005 12:54 AM

I have seen him in Wuthering Heights and He is Great, and soooooooooooooo Hot!
I think He will Be Great as Lord Voldemort!

Posted by: Sophie at May 5, 2005 01:49 PM

Ralph Fiennes is going to be a scary Voldemort! I imagine just him with red eyes and it make me feel some fear... John Malkovich was a great choice too. I have seen "Les Misérables" and he was so scary in his role of Javert, a policeman. Anyway, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is going to be one of the best movies of cinema's history!

Posted by: Hermione Granger at June 4, 2005 10:05 AM

I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE LORD VOLDEMORT!!!!! I wish that there would be magic in the real world (sigh). Oh well.., Good luck Ralph!! Have fun!

Posted by: slitherinshadow at June 4, 2005 12:11 PM

OMG!!!!! What are the others talking about??? YOU ARE HOT!!!!

Posted by: slitherinshadow at June 4, 2005 12:14 PM

I am now DEFINATLEY a fan of yours!!!
PS - Is there a fan club website yet? If yes.., Please post it!!!

Posted by: slitherinshadow at June 4, 2005 12:20 PM

When I saw Maid in Manhattan I thought Ralph was a sweet and sensitive man..., but if he's going to play evil Lord Voldemort it must mean that he's an EXCELLENT actor coz it doesn't matter who he is.., He'll be GREAT!!!! I know he will!! great job of choosing him as lord voldemort!!!!!

Posted by: slitherinshadow at June 4, 2005 01:25 PM

omg!!! i'm not a that big of a fan of harry potter but i love ralph fiennes!!!!!! I've seen him in schindler's list (omg!!! he was sooo good. i felt bad because he was the bad guy, but he was so... human) and i saw him in the english patient. he did a great job in that movie too. i've seen others, but those struck me as the best. be careful, he might want to make you love voldemort though... he somehow always makes you feel bad for the bad guy. (and he is supa hottttt!!!)

Posted by: RF luva at June 6, 2005 05:07 PM

Wow he is a gifted actor, if you look long enough you can actually imagine him as the older counter part to the actor who played Tom Riddle in CoS! I mean old Voldie cant be ugly if 16 yr old Tom isnt a piece of work rite? RAlph is great in Schindler's and Red dragon If you havent seen them-do, consider it research...

Posted by: SaraH at June 16, 2005 12:22 AM

I can definatley see a hint of evilness in that sweet face of his.., but to be as merciless as the Dark Lord he must be a REALLY FABULOUS actor!!!!

Posted by: slitherinshadow at June 16, 2005 03:40 PM

My only words are: HOTTTTTTTTTT and GOOD ACTOR (especially to my friend Nadzia...who will meet his Mr. hotness highness someday teeheeeeheee) *tear*

Posted by: slitherinshadow at June 24, 2005 03:11 PM

I was always on the 'good' side when reading Harry Potter books. But for the movie, i've got to go for the bad guy now ! (.. aren't you afraid the little kids will switch side too ? ;-)

Posted by: SweetNuree at July 5, 2005 01:30 AM

LMAO haha u no who would make a good voldemort??? michael jackson >:D
he allready has themakeup down aaaaaaaand he likes to mess with little boys >:D hahaha jk Ralp is hawt

Posted by: Jess-x at July 15, 2005 11:43 PM

A legendary selection no doubt. Ralph Fiennes is a supreme actor, and a far far better choice than John Malkovich. That is a laughable suggestion!

Posted by: Jack Allen at July 22, 2005 02:49 PM

nice one.....

Posted by: ionika at July 23, 2005 01:33 PM

I dunno whether Ralph will be any good at the playing the role of Voldemort - I mean there is no denying the fact that he is a gogeous actor - but from the one picture I have seen of him playing the part well its just not what you imagine Voldemort to be like - normally you visualise this really nasty piece of work that is snake like and almost inhuman because he has split his soul by killing that many times! But we shall have to see maybe he can behave in a way that makes the viewers really cower in fear?

Posted by: Gypsy at July 30, 2005 10:55 AM


Posted by: RAZIEL at August 9, 2005 07:59 PM

I like it very mutch!!
When I first heard about Lord Voldemort i´d think that hemust be handsome... And I like this! But i think he is a little bit to sweet to play voldemort...
but that what i think....

Posted by: nicolina at August 10, 2005 09:08 AM

How can you make such a hot person look so evil..., a lot of make up? You'll need more than make up to hide Ralphs charm! : }

Posted by: slitherinshadow at August 17, 2005 06:34 AM

Well Im not too sure who Ralph is, but I've been worried that they would get somebody like Ian Mclellan (sorry if i havn't spelled that right) which would have been a big let down. As for his ability to look like Voldemort, make up does a lot and i think that as soon as he has been through the make up process he will find the character. He wont approach such an important character like voldemort without doing his research first. He's an actor not an idiot.

I say goodluck to him!

Posted by: Will at August 17, 2005 06:39 PM

Oh WOW!!! can you believe it!?!? although i agree that he IS too hot for Voldemort (But Tom Riddle was v. handsome so maybe thats why...)

Posted by: Dee at August 19, 2005 04:45 AM

I love that Ralph Is Lord Voldemort!
They lock so evil the 2 of them!

Posted by: Nico at September 27, 2005 04:09 PM

OH Wow!! Ralph Fiennes to me is so so HOT! He is such a great actor and totally immerses himself in a role. I'll go and watch the movie cos hes in it. Ive seen him in 'Wuthering Heights' and he was so intense, bad, sexy all in one.

Posted by: Dana at October 6, 2005 04:24 PM

believe me he'll look hot n before we know we might end up falling for lord voldemort.iv already fallen for him

Posted by: angel at October 17, 2005 03:30 AM