August 07, 2004

Oscar Category I want to see

So I have been surfing through the comments and noticed that some people have asked, "Why did you go see the sequel if you didnt like the first one?" or "Why did you bother to watch that when you hate the director/actors/writers?"

Well this all comes around to the wonderful gift of the most overlooked hero in Hollywood.

The Movie Trailer editor.

Yes, I do feel that this guy has the most difficult job in Hollywood, and sometimes goes above and beyond the call of duty to make steaming piles of crap appear to be the feature dish at a five star restaurant.

Is he in the credits? No.

Is he getting paid a multimillion dollar salary for his miracle? No.

Is he famous, and getting hounded by fans and papparazzi for his god given gift? No.

He deserves some recognition.

I believe this award should reflect the vast canyon of reality between what wonderous works this man can create and the horrible waste dump that is the movie itself.

I nominate The Musketeer The trailer looked like the movie would be fun, almost comical and light. It wasnt. At all. That movie was dark, uninspired, and rotten. Its only connection to the literary legends we know as the Musketeers, is that they have the same names. That's it. The trailer lied.... but that was his job, and he did it well.

What movie would YOU nominate??

Posted by John Campea at August 7, 2004 03:10 AM


3000 Miles to Graceland gets nominated...

that was one sweet trailer for a fricking STUPID ass movie.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 7, 2004 03:17 AM

Oh, and off-hand.. there already is, now granted, not an Oscar Category, but there is the Golden Trailer Awards held in LA.. I think that's the best they're gonna get anytime soon...

Hey Look Return of the King got ANOTHER award for Best Drama Trailer.... who knew?

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 7, 2004 04:04 AM

"The musketeer" looks indeed very silly, and I haven't seen an inspiring trailer here, or one that could make me go see the film (which is his main purpose, telling the story is secondary). My problem with the editor is that he has shown too much and made it too long. It looks like a typical Hollywood flick with action, romance, comedy and adventure. A good editor will make choices, sometimes radical ones, in order to transform a donnut into a wedding cake. An extreme example of that is "Oceans 12" trailer. Check out the trailer of "Hero" with Jet Lee!!!

Posted by: Darko at August 7, 2004 05:48 AM

Anybody that's seen Hero will tell you that trailer is absolutely HORRIBLE. It's misleading about the general content of the film while also providing a couple of HUGE plot spoilers. Visuals look sweet, but that's all thanks to Zhang Yimou - you couldn't possibly put together a trailer of clips from that movie that didn't look incredible - and not at all thanks to the trailer editor.

Posted by: Bubba at August 7, 2004 06:57 AM

The Trailer for "Tommorrow Never Dies" looked great and the movie blew. And I love 007!

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 08:32 AM

That is not the point, Bubba. I have not seen Hero yet, but after I have seen this trailer, seeing the movie is the next thing on my list. Asking people after they have seen the film if they liked the trailer is pointless. However, I am interested to know which trailer you think deserves credit? I would be happy to give my comment on it.

Posted by: Darko at August 7, 2004 08:47 AM

you both got a point. But a trailer can spoil a movie, so that the movie itself becomes predictable. And the worst publicity a movie can get are bad mouth-to-mouth comments. But I do agree that the purpose of a trailer is to get people inside the theatre. But there is a line not to cross. Furthermore, I believe rating an editor on his skills to tell the story right is stupid. Let him be creative and let him seduce us. So yeah, he can mislead me, why not.

Posted by: Taikechi at August 7, 2004 11:07 AM

I don't think that a "Trailer Editor" should get an award...unless it's from MTV or some award show other than the Academy Awards....The Oscar's are not about "fooling" people....they are about excellence in film making.

I will say this....If you watch movie trailers from as little as 15 years ago....they were basic and always used the same background music. The 1st trailer that I really was blown away by was in 1990.....when "T2" was coming out and they showed the teaser trailer in the "Robot" factory and they were making another Terminator....when Arnold opens his eyes and they are Red and that Terminator sythezior music is built up some desire. I even think that trailer was playin about a year before the movie came out.....they don't really do that.....ya up over a year in advance.

Posted by: Jason at August 7, 2004 12:38 PM

xXx looked nice. I mean the trailer. Not the movie. Transporter too.

There are trailers that are better than the movie. Sometimes I would pay the ticket price, just to see the trailer instead of the real movie.

Posted by: plutonick at August 7, 2004 12:50 PM

Trailers are over-rated. It's just an editing of the movie. I think the use of music and sounds is much more interesting than the "cut" itself. If we are going to start awarding trailers, then we should start giving oscars to guys who made the begin-credits of movies like: Catch Me If You Can, Panic Room, Spider-Man, The Negotiator,... Guys like Kyle Cooper are way more interesting than any editor of a trailer. This is where the real narration begins (at least in some stunning films, like Se7en). My little brother (12) is making awesome trailers on Final Cut Pro from low-budget films who are damn cool, witty and very attractive.

Posted by: Deckard at August 7, 2004 01:01 PM does Final Cut Pro work?

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 01:28 PM

What do you mean the Oscars are not about fooling people? Isn't fooling people what acting is? I think they give out an award for that.

Posted by: Rodney MacLeod at August 7, 2004 01:58 PM

ohhhh....I'll get banned. I remember all your boys sayin you were out of line with your commentsthat you were not open to others view....all that was said to me was give my opionion and move on(or quit whinning...ithink someone said). Up until you and I had our Star Wars spat...I agreed with most of your statements....It just seems that Dave,John and Bubba are not as....ummm..let me choose my words as not to bruise your ego.....agressive when disagreeing with others. They seem to respect others opinions and welcome open dialoge. You jumped all over me before and you appeares to want to start it again....I just called you on it. So ban all you want....because your still a jerk off....just now your a jerk off with his finger on the "BAN" button.

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 03:57 PM

Rod...why did you remove the comments?

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 03:59 PM

If your gonna BAN least let people read what you said.

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 04:04 PM

Is is possible to nominate every Roland Emmerich movie?

Posted by: Jim Biancolo at August 7, 2004 04:14 PM

Now that I look back on all the post over the recent have supplied the least interesting things here at MOVIEBLOG...."Tell me what to watch....and shouldn't there be a catogory for trailers".....If your hosting this sit...shouldn't you put more time into what you bring up for discussion? At least Bubba and the others do research and develop hit or miss ideas....yours are shit. So it would be a honor to get banned by the Ringo Star of the Movie blog that understood? In case you can't pick up on that....You are the LEAST talented of the four....

Posted by: jason at August 7, 2004 04:17 PM

Open question to Bubba,Dave and John: Are you really friend's with this nazi?

Posted by: Jason AkA:Ringo's Friend at August 7, 2004 04:59 PM

Well done Jason. You're banned. I told you on the Star Wars thread that we didn't want flame wars, you were warned again here and I'm not interested in having to tell you again.

For the record: I don't care if you agree with me or anybody else's point of view on this or any other site but the second you move away from discussing ideas and into personal attacks you have crossed a line and I, for one, will not tolerate it. If you can't disagree with someone without slinging insults then you are NOT WELCOME HERE. Clear enough?

Yes, it's possible for you to get yourself a new IP and post on the site that way, but we'll just delete your posts and ban you again.

Posted by: Bubba at August 7, 2004 05:08 PM

Well done Bubba!! I've had enough with Jasons rude postings. He nothing nice to say about anything.
But for this posting, its a very interesting one and brings up a good point, but i for one cant remember movie trailors on the movies. Wish i could think of one.

Posted by: Marla Singer at August 7, 2004 10:00 PM

We now return you to your regular scheduled topic.

See above.

Thank you Bubba.

Posted by: Rodney at August 7, 2004 10:47 PM

Deep Impact.

All the "good stuff" was shown in the trailer. The rest of the movie was just filler.

Posted by: Joen at August 7, 2004 10:54 PM

*cough* Godzilla *cough* *cough*

And I might put Alien vs. Predator up there come Friday. Man, has this marketing campaign been toying with my emotions....

...come to think of it, I was pretty exited when the Alien Resurrection trailer came out, but I was young and foolish back then...

I'll let you know when I think of more...there's plenty out there, I've just tried to block them from my memory.

Oh,Oh! Put Panic Room in there too!

Posted by: Brandon at August 7, 2004 11:22 PM

How about we keep this thing recent. The Village. I was pumped for that piece o garbage movie.

Posted by: Bombadil at August 9, 2004 08:53 AM

I'd have to disagree that the Trailer Editor is one of those unsung hero types. In truth, they're the same sort of advertising slimeballs that make junk products look interesting. And they're not even as creative as most advertising slimeballs, because they don't have to do any writing. All they have to do is watch the movie and say "which parts were cool" and "how can I mash them together to make people think this movie is cool". Then they put the funniest lines, the best action sequences, and a lot of times parts of the ending into a 30 second spot. I'd think it'd be pretty easy to come up with 30-60 seconds of good material from a 2 hour movie.

Posted by: Sam at August 9, 2004 11:22 AM

Sam just described what i was trying to grasp about this posting. I kind of agreed with the post but i had a feeling that i really didnt and sometimes i suck at writing my thoughts so sam did it for me.

Posted by: Marla Singer at August 10, 2004 02:39 AM

If only they would learn to use their talents for good.

Posted by: Rodney at August 10, 2004 03:24 AM

my post got deleted as well, for reason unknown. I tried to give an answer to Jason's question when he asked me how Final Cut Pro worked. Did I offend anyone by doing that??? Or is it blasphemy to address an ex-communicated person in this Movie Blog??

Posted by: Deckard at August 10, 2004 03:26 PM

You may address him, as long as you dont do the things that got him banned.

If you wish to discuss this totally unrelated topic of editing software with him you may want to take your chances emailing one of the dozen or so addresses he linked to his name when posting.

Your post about the software was deleted because it was too close to the random sort of spam we get here promoting other websites or products.

Please keep your comments on topic. This is for the discussion of the topic, not a promotion forum for unrelated software. Please keep those comments for forums designed to discuss that software.

Posted by: Rodney at August 10, 2004 03:59 PM