August 16, 2004

Open Water's Final Trailer and a Whole Lotta Facts.

Extremely Limited release for the past week and a half (no Toronto... Grrrr) and this Friday, it'll finally get screened in your city - what I've already called as what will be this summer's sleeper hit: Open Water. Okay, I'll get the assorted links out of the way:

A new Final Trailer is online: Right Here.
(I actually like the first one a lot more, but there it is...)

And, although this is a pretty lame way to get "news", every once in a blue moon MSN posts some pretty interesting articles on their "hotmail logout page". Today there was an Open Water article which had a shocking number of details about how this sucker was put together: (Article is here)
Here's a few tidbits:

- Made over 3 years
- Budget was 120,000 bucks of the producer's and director's own money.
- The producer and director are married.
- The jelly-fish swarm is real and unplanned.
- Not every shark was planned ether.
- They'd throw bloody tuna into the water to get the sharks "worked up". ("And the intelligence award goes to...")
- Purchased by Lions Gate for 2 million bucks.
- The only change Lions Gate made: - adding a musical score. That's impressive.
That said, go see Open Water on Friday. And Lion's Gate are clever people.

Posted by John Campea at August 16, 2004 10:40 PM


just wondering when releases in the stores because i was hospitalized when it was in the theatres and i miss it and i really would like to see it sincerely yours cuddleskittys2003@aol,com

Posted by: sherri at December 20, 2004 04:30 AM