August 09, 2004

Open Water Does Massive Business

Just taking a look at Box Office Mojo, probably the best box office tracking site out there, and spotted som interesting numbers. Sure, everybody knew that Collateral would top the charts, the sheer number of screens it's on pretty much guarantees that, but things get more interesting when you look at per-screen averages. On a per screen basis Open Water is BY FAR the current number one film with an average of over $23K per screen. At number two is Outfoxed with over $15K with Garden State a close third at over $14K. By contrast Collateral drew a per screen average of just over $7700. Chances of any of these films ever appearing on as many screens as Collateral? Pretty much nil.

Posted by John Campea at August 9, 2004 07:08 PM

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S'cuse while I brag.. I just want to re-state Something I Said In THIS POST:

Oh, and for the record, I will, today guarantee that "Open Water" will be a sleeper hit this summer...

Man, being right is tiring.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 9, 2004 07:27 PM

I saw open water today and it was a pitiful for sure. Sure there were some tense shark moments but the cinematography was poor.Then the conclusion sucked, everything that happened in the movie was believable until the very end. They died!! So who knows what actually happened out there in the open water. Don't waste your money.

Posted by: yvonne at August 20, 2004 03:10 PM