August 09, 2004

Once Again, We Have a Winner!

Another contest has come to an end ... this time it's our Village giveaway. Thanks to everybody who entered ... the posters are going to Matt and Plutonick, the soundtrack CD to Dave Canfield and the signed still to Bloggerman for this:

Here's a true ghost story that still gives me the willies...

Last Christmas, I got a digital camera from my parents. Being the pest I was, I took pictures of everyone and everything in sight. On Boxing day, I was following my brother around, and took a picture of him going down the hallway. Imagine my surprise and shock when I later looked at the picture to find a creepy looking face in the mirror. I returned to the kitchen later that day and tried duplicating the picture. I could not. It was definetly not me in the mirror - I was standing in a straight line behind me and my brother. I can confirm that there was nothing in the kitchen that could have casted the black image in the mirror. I think somebody or something had stopped to pay a visit that day. The face appeared to be throwing a shadow yet you could see through it to the cupboard reflected in the mirror. Wierd. To think, I was standing right next to this thing. I still get creeped out everytime I look at the picture. I have included the original picture and a zoom-in of the mirror.

Posted by John Campea at August 9, 2004 02:53 PM

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Um, guys, I think I screwed. I live in Greece and therefore I am not eligible for the contest.

To say the truth, I never expected to win. My story was only one sentence long, after all.

Can you please pass the prize to the next runner-up or something?

Thanks a lot, and sorry for the inconvenience

Posted by: PlutoNick at August 9, 2004 03:10 PM

Yes by all means pass it on to the next runner up- um..I

Posted by: big bald dave at August 9, 2004 03:34 PM

This picture is a hoax!

Posted by: Marla Singer at August 10, 2004 10:00 PM

Quite possibly, but it's an entertaining hoax. And he's the only one that sent it in. Now if only he'd send his address so we can send the prize ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 10, 2004 10:25 PM

Looks like a Vader mask. Great story either way, even if it is a hoax...

Posted by: mediamelt at August 11, 2004 01:07 AM