August 27, 2004

More Incredible Mirror Mask Stills

mirror.jpgZowie. The more I see of this film the more excited I get about it ... Neil Gaiman has posted an additional five high res still shots from the upcoming Mirror Mask here. Scroll down a bit to find them. You'll know when you get there. For those not in the know Mirror Mask is the upcoming feature written by Gaiman and directed by his long-time Sandman collaborator Dave McKean. If you can't see the Sandman influence on this images, then ... well ... you're just not so bright. Or you've never seen a Sandman book. One or the other. Either way the point is that these shots are just stunning.

Thanks to Kelly for the link.

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 11:11 AM



can't wait!!!

Posted by: miles at August 27, 2004 12:43 PM

very much excited to see film. stop.
very very excited.stop.
please release it already.stop.

Posted by: stissy at January 3, 2005 08:00 PM

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