August 09, 2004

Lion's Gate Buys Tobe Hooper's The Toolbox Murders

According to Fangoria Lions Gate Films has just bought rights to horror legend Tobe Hooper's The Toolbox Murders. Lions Gate is planning a fall 2005 DVD release and is mulling over the possibility of some sort of theatrical release. Don't know who Hooper is? Think Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Posted by John Campea at August 9, 2004 06:59 PM


Neat. I saw Toolbox Murders up at FantAsia and enjoyed it a whole bunch; it's a clever slasher flick that veers into location-based horror with elegance.

Posted by: Bryant at August 9, 2004 07:30 PM

I can't understand why it has taken so long to get to DVD? It's been released in Australia since June 2004.

Posted by: Diggler at September 5, 2004 12:40 AM

Dear Tobe,

I am a film student in high school and am writing a documentary on the use of sound in horror films. I was wondering if you can be kind enough to send me a letter on your techniques on using sound in your films (ie Poltergiest) as soon as possible.


Posted by: C. Adams at September 16, 2004 03:53 PM