August 20, 2004

Last Shot Trailer

LastShotOnesheet_jpg.jpgIs Jeff Nathanson the new David Mamet? Could be. If nothing else he's certainly fond of a few of Mamet's regular actors and the basic plot of The Last Shot - Nathanson's directorial debut - sounds like the kind of satire that Mamet veered into with State and Main. The Last Shot stars Alec Baldwin as an FBI agent who sets up a sting operation based around a bogus movie shoot. Thing is the film's director - played by Matthew Broderick - doesn't realize it's all a scam. The incredible cast also includes the likes of the always brilliant Tony Shaloub, Tim Blake Nelson, Toni Collette, Ray Liotta and Joan Cusack.

The film gets a limited release in late September but you can check out the trailer here if you're sporting a flaccid dial up connection, here if you're somewhat more robust, or here if you prefer the manly, full sized option.

Posted by John Campea at August 20, 2004 10:57 PM
