August 02, 2004

Keira Knightley to Star in Tony Scott's Domino.

I've enjoyed a lot of Tony Scott's films but not so much that I actively follow the man's upcoming projects, but Domino is one I've been waiting for. Why? Script by Richard Kelly, baby. Kelly's the genius behind Donnie Darko and the upcoming Southland Tales and he is definitely a major talent to watch. While this looks to be a little more straight forward than Kelly's other work it still sounds plenty odd. Check out the Hollywood Reporter's summary:

"The real-life story centers on Domino Harvey, the daughter of actor Laurence Harvey, who starred in the original version of "The Manchurian Candidate." Domino Harvey ditched a career as a Ford model to become a bounty hunter. The project has long been gestating at Scott Free, but it heated up when Scott took to Kelly's script, which incorporates flashbacks, flash-forwards, and characters from "Beverly Hills, 90210.""

Keira Knightley (Pirates of The Caribbean, King Arthur, Bend it Like Beckham) will star in the lead role with shooting scheduled to start next month. The film is is being handled in North America by New Line.

Posted by John Campea at August 2, 2004 07:21 AM


She really has a thing for doing masculine roles doesn't she?

Posted by: Sartorius at August 2, 2004 06:36 PM

There is one word I would not have thought of to describe Keira. Masculine?

I just dont see it. Even in her roles where she has been doing things that were more stereotypically boyish, she still looked really feminine. (Bend it like Beckham, King Arthur, Princess of Theives)

Her lack of a traditional Hollywood bustline just adds to her appeal for me.

Posted by: Rodney at August 2, 2004 10:29 PM

Yea.... feminine.... and abit stupid in King Arthur. Whats that lip- pouting thing??? But she's a great actress... loved her in Doctor Zivago and Pirates

Posted by: hazel at August 3, 2004 10:58 AM

I didn't say she was masculine. I said it seems she likes to play masculine roles.

Posted by: Sartorius at August 4, 2004 04:24 PM