August 05, 2004

Justin Lin To Remake Old Boy

oldboy.jpgI'm a bit late on this, but Justin Lin - director of Better Luck Tomorrow - has signed on to remake Old Boy for North America. Meh. Just see the original. It's flawless as is.

Posted by John Campea at August 5, 2004 11:54 AM


I just watched it last nigth and was blown away. It was amazing.

Posted by: nick at August 5, 2004 02:02 PM


Posted by: rvnlrd at August 5, 2004 06:28 PM


Posted by: rvnlrd at August 5, 2004 06:29 PM

While I was not so blown away by Oldboy I cannot imagine how it's going to be even remotely possible to remake it in a way that the average North American audience can handle.

Posted by: Bryant at August 5, 2004 09:36 PM

We have already laid witness to the unholy slaughter and rodgering of an asian cinematic masterpiece with Infernal Affairs. What on God's good green earth is someone, who is evidently retarded, thinking?!!!?

Very close to swearing and climbing the highest bell tower with high powered sniper rifle in tow.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 5, 2004 10:15 PM

I think that�s typical prejudices geek-talk KungFuGuy. How could You have witness something that didn�t start filming yet. Infernal Affairs btw is one big hommage to the cinema of Michael Mann, so especially in this case the line between oh-so-good-asian-films and they-are-allways-crap-US-mainstream becomes a little bit blurry. I think too that OLD BOY is one fucking masterpiece and can�t think of one way to make it better - but it will be more than interresting to see how they will try to catch Chan-wook Park�s wonderful style of combining surreal set-ups with this strange form of reality. Who american actor will be willing to eat a still living octopus? I think Christopher Walken would be pitch perfect, but unfortunately there�s a good chance this (again) will go to Nicolas Cage, alone for his experience in eating a living cockroach.

Posted by: Blake Falls at August 6, 2004 03:59 AM

You bet it's prejudiced! If it ain't broke don't fix it. You don't excactly exume confidence in your own post Blake Falls. Nervous as well?

Bubba: Was there ever a chance that we were going to see the original on the big screen on this side of the Pacific? If so, has that been squashed now with this news and the same will happen to it like IA. That was supposed to show over here but now we don't know anymore.

Interesting though the Michael Mann thought though with Collatoral opening this weekend. HEAT was wicked cool and I have hope for this one. Not high hopes. Just hope.

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 6, 2004 08:15 AM

The original's got a fighting chance ... Tartan owns rights to it and they've signed a DVD and theatrical distribution deal with TLA. They haven't said which films specifically will be released theatrically, but there are supposed to be 10-12 a year, and Old Boy seems an obvious choice. Tartan owns Battle Royale, too, by the way, so there are possibilities there as well ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 6, 2004 12:33 PM

(HOLLWOOD PITCH: hey lets destroy future careers of two up and coming asian filmakers who are actually getting a voice heard in a white middle class market)

so theyre getting an asian american to remake a korean film.WHY? justin lin should get his own voice out there and make films he wants not remake something that cant be improved on. the guys a beginner filmaker and there is absolutely no logical reason as to why he should remake old boy. and with nicolas cage? nicolas 'pass the paycheck' cage. and walken? yeah great but he'll just fill it with walkenisms. pass the paycheck.

hey hollywood hows this for equally pointless but just as relevant- why dont we get jerry bruckheimer to remake RESERVOIR DOGS? then this time throw eminem, britney spears and maybe hulk hogan in for good measure. oh yeah, affleck too. with soundtrack by mariah carey.NICE!

Posted by: greg at April 13, 2005 02:48 PM

MaN, WTF. I can't stand Hollywood remakes. Instead of blowing however many millions to remake a perfectly good movie, SPEND THOUSANDS PROMOTING THE ORIGINAL, DUMbASSES!

Asian movies aren't the only ones who fall prey to Hollywood exploitation: what about Vanilla Sky? Watching Abre Los Ojos made me HATE DESPISE and want to SPIT at Cameron Crowe.


Posted by: Nat at May 4, 2005 04:31 PM

i agree that the film should not be remake under any circumstances. i wish some big shots in hollywood would read these posts before doing anything radical, why not get a public opinon besides their own poor one? hokay, so, the musical score in old boy was profound, i have the soundtrack because my counsler recomended something calming, i find the ending theme extremely relaxing. the acting superb, script amazing. the last thing i want is to see my favorite movie, yes Old Boy is my favorite movie and i have seen alot to make that judgement, this is my opinion and i would prefer it to stay mine, there is no need for anyone to say im wrong in making that decision, but i would hate to see my favorite movie remade. by the way, does anyone know if they are coming out with a better translated version of old boy? there were some mistakes in the one i purchased a while ago. i have heard rumors of brad pit and johnny depp, meh. i would prefer to see gary oldman (nice last name >@*#$) to fit the role of oh dae-so, but PLEASE HOLLYWOOD, you have your ups and downs, lately really been down there, DO NOT REMAKE THIS MOVIE

Posted by: monster at May 20, 2005 09:44 PM

I'm American and even I dont want it remade. I wish they'd just show us the origional! It was sooo good.

Posted by: April at June 7, 2005 05:35 PM

Why remake??

Well there a lot of dumbass Americans out there who will never watch a foreign film with subtitles unless they are doing kung fu!!!

Posted by: dngth at June 21, 2005 03:25 PM

i have to agree with Bryant that an american audience will have trouble inhaling the movie. firstly i wanted to experient so i brought some friends over to watch the movie, 2 took it seriously and the rest were immature bastards about it. they couldn't stop talking about why oh dae-so still wanted to romance with his daughter. i think american culture would think what oh dae-so did is wrong according to their standards. but hell, they're dont get me started on their standards. so yes it would be hard to re make it so an americane audience wouldn't criticize it for something so minute. by the way the rest of the immature bastards was about 32 people so yeah...

Posted by: monster at July 9, 2005 01:13 PM

Oldboy should not ever be remade by anyone! How can anyone remake a perfect movie? Whats next, an american version of Ichi the Killer? that would suck ass! It is so sad that korean films arent released on a wide scale in the US, we miss all the best damn movies. Sympathy for Lady Vengeance is coming out soon in korea and I am going to have to wait fucking years to see it in the US. Fuck Hollywood, they ruin everything!

Posted by: Brenton at July 14, 2005 02:46 AM

i want brad pit emailaddress

Posted by: samira at August 27, 2005 09:38 AM