August 27, 2004

Just because you asked - John's Favorite Films of All time

As wierd as sounds I often have people ask me (by email or on the radio) what my favorite movies are. So without giving any reasons why, and for no real purpose, here is a list (in no real particualr order) of my all time favorite flicks. Feel free to debate or give us your list in the comments section.

Star Wars Trilogy (The greatest of all time! Why yes I am a geek. Why do you ask?)
Lord of the Rings (all of them)
Life is Beautiful (just shut up and watch it)
Bravehart (Mel is so cool)
The Highlander (only the original)
The Shawshank Redemption (no way Forest Gump should have won best picture over this!)
The Godfather(the only film that deserves to be called "classic")
The Usual Suspects (Best ending to a movie ever)
Spartacus (Kirk Douglas could still kick the piss out of most of us)

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 04:00 AM


Hey, you're so... conventional. ;-)

Posted by: Björn Lindström at August 27, 2004 04:46 AM

yeh : theyre all great films. i dont know if i could put a list together of favourite films cos i dont watch films like i listen to records and music evolves more for me, where as films are an experience sometimes repeated and not as frequently evolved. anyhow : i do love "deep red" from darion argento, "laputa" from hayao miyazaki, takashi miike masterpiece "ichi the killer"... so theres something from the last few decades. there are loads of great movies though...

Posted by: logboy at August 27, 2004 05:07 AM

I've heard good things about the uncut Ichi, because lemme tell ya, I've only seen the edited version and -- Whhhhooow -- it blows the lid off the Sucks-My-Hump-O-Meter.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 27, 2004 05:36 AM

The best review I've ever seen of Ichi simultaneously gave it a five star and zero star rating. And it deserves both. Miike is often cruel to his female characters, but nowhere moreso than in Ichi. The big cut scene is a close up nipple-removal via razor blade. I think the cut version removes the partial leg amputation as well. It's that sort of film.

Posted by: Bubba at August 27, 2004 10:33 AM

Good movies. I've seen all of them except for Life Is Beautiful and the second half of Spartacus(I have the 2-tape vhs set and my vcr's busted). I'd put Highlander:Endgame before the original Highlander though, just my choice. I do agree that only the original Godfather deserves to be called a classic. I'd have to say my list will only be marginally similar. I'll whittle it down to 10(sigh)...this isn't gonna be easy.

1.25th Hour

2.The Usual Suspects

3.The Lord Of The Rings(I swear I'm gonna watch 'em all in one sitting one day)

4.The Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions(together, infinitely better than the first one)

5.Kill Bill(Vol.1+Vol.2, a masterpiece)

6.Black Hawk Down(Best military movie ever...and Ridley Scott rules.)

7.The Crow

8.The Boondock Saints(one of the best guy movies ever)

9.Fight Club

10.Chasing Amy(Kevin Smith's masterpiece)

Posted by: No1Movieguy at August 27, 2004 02:00 PM

Wow. I don't know where number 4 came from but I respect your bravery. Now for my twisted list. (Note: This is not my "top 10 best movies" list. It's just some of my favorites so I'm not going on quality)

1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Lord of the Rings (trilogy, 2 was best)
3. The Godfather
4. Fight Club
5. Back to the Future (trilogy, 2 was best)
6. Titan AE
7. Schindler's List
8. 28 Days Later
9. Citizen Kane
10. The Princess Bride

Posted by: Mantiss at August 27, 2004 06:29 PM

Was browsing Google and found your site, enjoyed the reading, thanks

Posted by: yaoi at September 25, 2004 01:21 AM

Hallo friends! Really nice place here. I found a lot of interesting stuff all around. Just what I was looking for.

Posted by: Spiele kostenlos at June 5, 2005 06:52 AM

4 of my all time favourite films are in John's list. GREAT! ;-)

Posted by: Simone [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 24, 2005 05:03 PM