August 14, 2004

John's Review of AVP – It didn't suck

avp.jpgOk, I know all the critics are ripping this film to shreads. I can already feel the pressure to give a SERIOUSLY negative review. But screw it, I'm gonna tell you what I really thought of it. Ready? Here it is in a nutshell. It's a sub par film… but it doesn't suck nearly as much as many are making it out to be.

I'll be honest with you here folks. I walked out of Aliens vs. Predator disappointed… disappointed because I was all excited about seeing one of the worst movies ever made. Maybe it was that extremely low expectation that did it. Perhaps I thought the film was going to be soooo bad, that it was bound to exceed my expectations creating the illusion that I moderately liked the film. Perhaps. But whatever the cause, I simply didn't think AVP was all that bad. It was bad… just not all that bad.

The first 15-20 minutes of the film (before the Aliens or Predators show up) are actually quite good. The mystery of an ancient pyramid 2 kilometers bellow the ice, a powerful billionare who realizes his mortality and wants to leave some sort of mark or legacy on the world. It all sets itself up pretty well.

Unlike that piece of crap known as "Freddy vs. Jason", where Freddy and Jason hardly fight at all, and only near the end of the flick, this movie gives you a healthy does of Aliens fighting the Predators… and you know what… except fro the periodical use of F&%@ing annoying shaky camera work, the fights are pretty damn good.

The premise of the film is good, the plot and story line of the film are laughably weak, the acting (from the human actors) is just horrible, and the background story they set up was a joke. But still… it's Aliens vs. Predator! It's all about flash and slash, and AVP delivers that. Nothing else mind you… but it at least delivers that.

I know no one will take me seriously now… because after all, all the other critics are ripping it. But I'm not going to whore out my opinion. AVP isn't a good film… but it's not the trash others are making it out to be. Go into it with the right expectations, and you even might slightly enjoy it. I'm giving AVP a 4/10.

Posted by John Campea at August 14, 2004 01:36 AM


You know what man???.... Right On. I liked the film too infact what happened in the film gave me stuff to talk about. Actually it gave me alot to talk about.

Some of the scenes were corny but I'm pretty sure it was meant to be like that and personally the cornyness made me laugh aloud. Plus I would actually say ouch aloud too with the rest of the audience when certain people would get slashed by a pred or their chest would burst.

HOWEVER... I was disappointed with the fact that the movie did not reach its potential. Despite the fact that the preds were supposed to be newb predators they still performed seriously under what their skill should have been. One Pred got owned before he even killed an alien. The other was (for a minute) actually HUNTED by an alien when he lost track of it. And the last which started off pretty cool actually got chest bursted (despite already bein dead) in the end, which means he actually got face hugged.

All in all dont expect any freakin revalations cause there are none and there is one corny fight between a pred and an alien where they both trade swings back and forth one with a wrist blade and one with a tail which was done poorly and looked fake BUT the rest of it was pretty decent.

Also a rated R would have been much better and ya it prolly coulda used a better director. The setup in the beginning of the movie was much cooler than it turned out to be.. Good laughs though. I'll shut up.

Posted by: Addison at August 14, 2004 02:55 AM

Nah ... everybody stopped taking you seriously when you posted a positive review of Little Black Book.

Tomato rating's a little higher today than it was yesterday, actually ... the reviews are still overwhelmingly negative but not quite so harshly. Average rating's currently a 3.6 there, so you're not so far off the average. Metacritic's got it at a 28 ... those numbers won't really settle in until the end of the day, though ....

Posted by: Bubba at August 14, 2004 05:21 AM

It was bad. Not Battlefield Earth bad. But still bad. My only consolation was that I had that pass from the Predator DVD release. If I had spent money on it? Well I just don't know what I would have done.

"What? Oh cool. You mean they're going to work together? Cool. What?!!? You're running away?!!? No. NOOOOO. But you just teamed up. It was cool for just a split second and now you're running away?!!? Damn."

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 14, 2004 07:16 AM

easily one of the worst movies of PAUL W.S. ANDERSON's career, yet thats not saying much considering that aside from maybe RESIDENT EVIL,and the first MORTAL KOMBAT this guy is hands down one of the worst directors out there.
i must say the alien v predator one on one fights were cool, but when you have sexual tension between a human and predator i think all your credibility is out the window.

Posted by: jph1532 at August 14, 2004 01:53 PM

Wouldn't watch lil black book. I'm an action guy. So I'm hopin you're not talkin about me.

Also I thought the human predator aliance should never have formed as it did but Heck I can deal with a few things.

On a side note Resident Evil REALLY sucked so I think its unfortunate that this director guy is still in business.

Posted by: Addison at August 14, 2004 02:12 PM

Ok, I REALLY hate Paul Anderson, but I kinda enjoyed this movie. I expected he wouldn't even try to stay with continuity. It's not oscar worthy, but It's decent. Not nearly as bad as some of the reviews I've read.

Posted by: Cybermike at August 16, 2004 07:37 AM

I love how Day-vuh was spot in the other thread on about the Pred's not having their weapons to make it more fair. I'll have to read his guesses more closely from now on. I didn't think this was a terrible movie. It was interesting, it kept me involved. But it also was not an Alien movie. Nor was it a Predator movie. I remember seeing Alien when I was 12 and the tension throughout that whole movie scared the crap out of me. I slept with my hand firmly over my mouth and the covers over my head. And Predator was a major test in human ingenuity vs. the king of hunters. This movie had a few jumps for me before the monstors ever showed up. You know, those stupid jumps that the diretor adds in to create tension. Loud noises, a penguin, etc. I can't help it. I fall for every one. But once they got to the temple there were no more scares. It became an action movie. Still entertaining. But the tension was gone baby...gone. That's where this movie sunk to sad depths when it could have been great.

Posted by: Mantiss at August 16, 2004 03:17 PM

The Smartest Commenter of the Year goes to:

For recognizing Smarts and General-All-Round Cleverness.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 16, 2004 07:20 PM


Posted by: Mantiss at August 17, 2004 12:03 AM

I know everyone has ripped this movie to shreds, but I actually enjoyed it. Granted, my expectations where low but I found the movie to be very entertaining. My only problem with the movie was that it was set in present time. Would of much rather had it set in the Future and not on Earth. Yes, there were other Problems, like character development and continuity, but the bottom line is the movie entertained me and is atleast worth a look.

Posted by: Jason at August 30, 2004 12:26 PM

The thing is that the movie doesn't go with the books, which is what drives me crazy. The predator are portraied as brutes, that they win by sheer strength, which is basically how the fights go, I would rather see something more akin to some of the japanese or chinese movies like croutching tiger or even Hero, not with all the flying and stuff as thats not what the preds are about, but at the same time in the books preds die mostly when they are stupid, or overwhelmed, and they win in single blows, or at least with grace and percision, sometimes the movie felt more like WWF, which isn't the preds I want to see, My only other real complaint is the aliens were well done, but in some of the fight scenes the tail looked kinda odd, it was flailing randomly, I would have prefered that it be more undercontrol, it would just look more menacing that way, to have a long spear which is moving very swiftly waiting for an oppertunity, not just flailing without any real reason.

Posted by: Bryce at September 2, 2004 10:42 AM

i have to say that the film stands on it's own. however, i notice that Paul W. Anderson has messed up with the Alien/predator legend. when does an Alien mature that fast in a couple of hours. i don't know if the director has ever read any of the Dark horse Comics of AVP? In my opinion, i think those Comics were very good. the predator was supposed to have Acid proof Wristblades. i the movie the Combi-stick that was used to kill an Alien Drone didn't melt and neither the Shirken-disc.

Posted by: C. J at September 23, 2004 08:35 PM

Glad I only downloaded it.

If you see the making of, the Director (I refuse to remember his name) likens himself to Ridley Scot and James Cameron.


Alien Resurrection was bad enough...

Lost hope... Sci Fi is dead, Thanks Hollywood

Posted by: pixel at October 3, 2004 06:19 AM