August 27, 2004

John Cleese Brings Tsunamic, Unbridled Silliness to Your Face This Fall.

This information is about 49 seconds old for me.

I just saw the Master himself, John Cleese appear on the last ever guest appearance on Craig Kilborn's Late, Late Show. In his interview, John asked if he could graciously make a wee plug for a fun little project he's got going on... You see, come mid-October-ish, John Cleese will be using his website to show many little 3-minute sketches he's had the joy of writing on his own free time without the restrictions of.. well, anything at all really. What's this website you ask? it's very simple: (Pronouced *THE* John Cleese as "" is owned by a Mr. Cleese impersonator.)

So head on over and sign yourself up so you can be notified when this wonderful Cleesian world becomes online and active. It is, in fact, good for you to do so.

Today's notable interview quote:
"In the history of the world, nobody over the height of 5 foot eight has ever caused a problem" - John Cleese

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 01:41 AM


Having enjoyed the Monty Python series thoroughly there is one episode I would have liked to see done.Some fairly surreal people & situations in life inspired the thought of "Monty Python meets Alice- In Wonderland" Christopher Tucker would make a great Mad Queen [After seeing him in a Bruce Willis science fiction movie.] Maybe Jackie Chan could pull some spectacular stunts as the Mad Hatter. Who knows.He teams well with Chris. The White rabbit from"Holy Grail" could grow into a March Hare with fangs guarding the throne or something. Is it ever too late to go again?I hope not.

Posted by: C. Hoy at January 22, 2005 10:26 PM