August 05, 2004

J-Horror Theater Website Online

jhorror.jpgSo, if you're a fan of Japanese horror films, this is a project that should have you about ready to fill your pants. We reported on it a while back, but here's a refresher: realizing that Japanese horror was becoming a hot ticket world wide producer Taka Ichise pulled together the cream of the Japanese horror film community - easy enough to do since he produces them all - to put together a six part film anthology titled, aptly enough, J-Horror Theater. Who's involved? Hideo (The Ring) Nakata, Kiyoshi (Cure, Kairo) Kurosawa, and Takashi (Ju-On) Shimizu, among others. Yummy. There's not a lot of content there yet, but the website's here and yes, there is a small teaser there but it doesn't contain any actual footage.

Posted by John Campea at August 5, 2004 11:51 AM


I looked....Very impressive but I couldn't find any footage....By the way, speaking of scary....You play Doom3 yet? I have not but I hear good things....I have a copy of it to test over the weekend and see if my computer can hack it....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at August 5, 2004 07:27 PM