August 17, 2004

Incredible Still Shots From 2046

2046still.jpgI've gone on record a few times here saying that British ex-pat Christopher Doyle is hands down the best cinematographer working in Asia, if not the world. Want a good example of why this man's work leaves me gibbering like an idiot? Head on over to MonkeyPeaches and check out the still shots they've just posted from the Doyle shot, Wong Kar Wai directed, 2046. My god but does this man ever shoot gorgeous film. Make sure you click on those babies to get the big, high-res versions. Zowie.

Oh ... and word on 2046 is that WKW went back and shot some more after Cannes so what we get over here will be significantly different from what screened there. One day he's probably going to get sick of this free form thing he likes so much and actually start writing scripts ...

Posted by John Campea at August 17, 2004 06:12 PM


I was under the impression that Doyle was Australian, or is that interchangeable with the British?

Posted by: Juan at August 17, 2004 08:05 PM

You may be right on that ... I assumed Brit thanks to their stake in Hong Kong and his accent has never struck me as being Australian. I could easily be wrong on his country of origin, though, as I've never actually looked it up. Pretend I just wrote ex-pat instead of British ex-pat.

Posted by: Bubba at August 18, 2004 01:55 AM

Yes he is Australian thank you very much.
We should take credit for someone with talent rather than Nicole Kidman.

Posted by: james at September 22, 2004 06:27 AM