August 12, 2004

Hey! Twentieth Century Fox thinks we’re worth scamming!

gr_20th_centurysm.jpgFor those of you who didn’t notice this already, in Bubba’s post about the cancellation of the advanced screenings of Alien Vs Predator, “someone” left a comment saying they saw an advanced screening of it and that it was actually pretty good. Well, Bubba looked into this comment and traced the IP address... and guess who it belongs to? Yup... Twentieth Century Fox. I’m flattered they think us worthy of trying to lie to. Wow... you Fox guys are wacky!

Posted by John Campea at August 12, 2004 02:59 PM


that is wicked - an evil corporation actually cares what we think.


Posted by: miles at August 12, 2004 03:03 PM

I am flattered that Fox thinks that we mean enough to the industry that they would plant positive rumours.

Posted by: Rodney at August 12, 2004 03:25 PM

...though the fact that they feel the need to, may be more telling.

Posted by: Björn Lindström at August 12, 2004 03:38 PM

You are correct, sir. It's all damage control, baby ... gotta get that spin machine whirring ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 12, 2004 03:49 PM

fun times here at the movie blog I tell ya. Gee, and people don't think corporations lie to them. And even at this level - think what else is happening people. think.

Todd - I love the papa from the circus in League. So good. So good.

Posted by: ni/ck at August 12, 2004 03:56 PM

You're my wife now ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 12, 2004 04:09 PM

Is that Daaaaave?

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 12, 2004 04:55 PM

Speaking of evil corporations, anyone seen Corp.? I'd like to, but I'm afraid I'll be more depressed about consumerism afterwards. :-)

Posted by: Rob at August 12, 2004 05:01 PM