August 11, 2004

Hey Look! There Goes Ben Kingsley's Credibility!

kingsley.jpgBen Kingsley must be really hard up for cash. First there was his part in that by all accounts horrible Thunderbirds film and now comes word that the man has signed on to star in an adaptation of the BloodRayne video game. You can find all the details here. Ben! What are you thinking!?! Stop it!

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2004 01:45 PM


kingsley in the bloodrayne movie? sounds wicked to me.

I would much rather see an actor kick ass then try and make me cry.

drama sucks.

Posted by: miles at August 11, 2004 02:51 PM

Yes, drama truly does blow.. I mean besides Shakespeare and the backbone of modern visual performance, what good what has drama done? -- I mean for example, look at some of these garbage films it has made.......

The Godfather
Shawshank Redemption
The Godfather: Part II
Shichinin no samurai
Schindler's List
Citizen Kane
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Pulp Fiction
Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il
Cidade de Deus
12 Angry Men
Sunset Blvd.
C'era una volta il West
Lawrence of Arabia
It's a Wonderful Life
Fabuleux destin d'Am�lie Poulain, Le
Paths of Glory
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
To Kill a Mockingbird
American Beauty
The Pianist
Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi
All About Eve
Apocalypse Now
Before Sunset
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Boot, Das
Taxi Driver
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Fight Club
City Lights
The Manchurian Candidate(1962)
The Best Years of Our Lives
On the Waterfront
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
Requiem for a Dream
The Apartment
L.A. Confidential
Raging Bull

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 11, 2004 03:00 PM

whoah, a big list, i have completley changed my mind.

I will demonstrate to you why drama sucks:

I saw Mystic River recently, excellent movie, great acting, good writing, but, it was one tragedy after another. After I watched, conversation with my friends was gloomy, and unpleasant. The next day I was still kind of depressed.

A few nights later, I wen to see the Chronicles of Riddick, bad movie, terrible acting, worse script, but talking with my friends after, we had a ton to say, loads to laugh about, and wicked one liners to repeat. We talked about the wicked action/effects, and laughed at the terrible acting for a good week afterward.

Whch one did I get the most enjoyment out of? The bad one obviously, so which one was ultimatly the better movie? The bad one obviously.

And also, the bad one was a much harder movie to make, huge sets, costumes, lots of people labouring for ages on effects. Dramas are not hard to make, you get a good script, good actors and just point the camera at them, a mental challenged person could make one.

So, my point is -- Action = good, Drama = bad.

Thank you and goodnight.

Posted by: miles at August 11, 2004 03:20 PM


"Dramas are not hard to make, you get a good script, good actors and just point the camera at them, a mental challenged person could make one"

Ranks into the top 3 most ignorant things ever posted here. Congrats.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 11, 2004 03:24 PM

Miles, Miles, Miles ... how many ways are you wrong? I count six.

And here they are:

First, Kingsley at his best does not try to make people cry. He scares the hell out of them. Go rent Sexy Beast and see what I mean.

Second, Kingsley rocking in a BloodRayne movie. It's possible, but the odds are stacked WAY against him. Has there EVER been a good video game based movie? Ever? I can rattle off attempts well into the double digits but I challenge anyone to name even five that weren't horrible. Video games make bad movies. It's pretty much a law of the universe.

Third, drama does not equal gloom.

Fourth, 'enjoyment' of a film is not a necessary requirement for quality. Film, as is the case with any art, should have the ability to disturb and effect you emotionally. Certain films are intended to leave you shaken and drained and if they succeed in doing so that is in itself a mark of quality. You may not *like* it, but that's a statement of preference, not any kind of indicator of quality.

Fifth: talking action vs drama is talking apples and oranges. You can't make any sort of judgement about ANY particular genre being inherently better than any other. Every genre demands that it be approached and evaluated according to its own inherent rules. Thus there are good action films and bad action films, good comedies and bad comedies, good dramas and bad dramas, but you can't really make comparative evaluations across genres. All you can do is state preference. And for the record you'll never find any of the admins here talking down a good action flick.

Sixth: dramas are not hard to make. That's just laughable. All film making involves a massive amount of manpower and skill. Implied in here was that dramas are both cheaper and less technically involved. James Cameron would challenge you on that. Despite having some of the most technically involved and most expensive action films ever made on his resume the most technically difficult thing he's ever done in his career, and the most expensive, and the one that involved the most manpower, was Titanic. A drama. Drama's *can* be made cheap, sure, but so can action films. Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola and Steven Speilberg have all broken the bank making pure dramas.

Posted by: Bubba at August 11, 2004 03:55 PM


more effects, bigger sets, larger tecnical requirments = more work.


bubba does have a point that some are made on a big budget like AI and titanic, but it is not usually the case.

Posted by: miles at August 11, 2004 04:23 PM

Well, at least you have an opinion.

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 11, 2004 06:05 PM

hahaha, yes I do.....the right one ;)

Posted by: miles at August 11, 2004 08:14 PM

Actually it is increasingly the case that large amounts of money are being spent producing dramas. The pissing match that Harvey Weinstein and Michael Eisner are currently in is entirely based on Miramax spending too much on their production slate. Gangs of New York and Cold Mountain both cost in the $100 million range to produce. It's not a rarity at all. Spielberg routinely spends in that range regardless of genre. Even someone like Shyamalan, whose films are considered cheap, spends in the neighborhood of $30 million per feature. $30 mil is a pretty healthy budget for your standard action film ... most don't go that high ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 11, 2004 09:09 PM

Just perused the IMDB to pull down some firm budget numbers ... not sure why these are the titles I punched in, but there you have it. All dollar figures in millions.

On the action side:

Rush Hour: 35
Cradle 2 Tha Grave: 25
The One: 49
Matrix: 63
Sky Captain: 70
Riddick: 105
Rundown: 85
Fast and Furious: 38
Unleashed aka Danny the Dog: 45

Big range there depending largely on how good the action performers are and how effects driven the film is ...

On the drama side:

Titanic: 200
Cold Mountain: 83
Gangs of New York: 97
Amistad: 40
Schindler's List: 25
Manchurian Candidate: 80
The Village: 60
Forrest Gump: 55
Panic Room: 48

Not sure how they spent that much on Panic Room ... it's a small cast and all in one set, but there you have it ... no really notable difference in money spent. Big studio films spend big dollars regardless of genre.

Posted by: Bubba at August 11, 2004 09:53 PM

"Dramas are not hard to make, you get a good script, good actors and just point the camera at them, a mental challenged person could make one." A mental challenged person huh? Did you mean mentally challenged? Riiiiiiigggghhhhtttt.....

Uh, yeah.....Sounds like a case of laziness to me....I'm a big fan of any category.....All the work it takes to put that movie on the screen is worth me sitting there for a couple hours....

Yes, there are times that I want to just "vegetate" and soak up the movie and other times I like to watch an intelligent movie (see Day-Vuh's list above, PLENTY in that list)....

People nowadays have gotten spoiled with special effects and CGI so noone wants to see the true actors performing their craft....Give me drama, give me horror, give me ANYTHING that keeps my attention...Movie Laziness is a plague that is taking over the world....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at August 12, 2004 06:18 AM

Michael Madsen just signed on for this. I like Michael Madsen. Yep. So ... I still think it's a bad idea, but it is at least shaping up to have a decent cast ...

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