August 09, 2004

Hey, Look! More Confusion About Superman!

welling.jpgAnother day, another conflicting Superman rumor ... on one hand CHUD is reporting that director Bryan Singer is in hot pursuit of Smallville actor Tom Welling, supposedly offering him a two film deal, while on the other hand Aint it Cool is reporting a supposed open casting call for the role, with the search even expanding beyond the ranks of established actors. There's been so much confusion around this film for so long that expecting clarity at this point would be a pretty sure sign that you were in need of a full frontal lobotomy. That said my money's on the CHUD report being the correct one. They tend to check their stories a bit more closely and as we've repeated to the point of impending mental collapse over on that irritating Pirates of the Caribbean thread open casting calls are well nigh non-existent. They just don't happen.

Only thing that I DO know has happened as a result of Singer's signing on to do Superman is that it has cost him his upcoming remake of Logan's Run and, quite possibly, his involvement in any future X Men films as the folks at Fox were less than pleased with Singer's going to do a super hero film for another studio.

Posted by John Campea at August 9, 2004 07:20 PM


Tom Welling would be my choice for a Superman movie.

I predict that they will use this as an inbetween marketting ploy to carry over Smallville into a new TV series for Superman.

-Smallville series finale in May 2005
-Blockbuster Superman movie in July 2005
-Superman debuts on tv in Fall 2005.
(likely called Metropolis just to keep in continuity)

In case someone missed it, Warner Brothers owns the rights to the Superman Movie, and Warner Brothers also produces Smallville.

Smallville is starting to suffer from the "Murder She Wrote" syndrome. Just how many people have to die in a very small town?

Besides, it is inevitable, Clark graduates highschool at the end of this coming season. He just needs to go to college and get his journalism degree and a job at the Daily Planet and we are right on track.

Posted by: Rodney at August 9, 2004 07:43 PM

Dark Horizons had a quote today from an inside source (that has given them info in the past) stating that Brian Singer does not want Tom Welling for the role, but instead wants an unknown.


Posted by: Vic at August 9, 2004 10:51 PM

Whatever happened to Victor Webster? I thought someone at some point was considering him, or that might've just been fanboy talk. I think he'd made a pretty decent Supes for this day and age.

Posted by: nOva at August 10, 2004 12:46 AM

I hope it's not Tom Welling

Posted by: Daniel at August 10, 2004 05:23 PM

so whos louis lane gunna be? thats whats important here.

Posted by: punkrock at August 12, 2004 08:27 PM

Deciding on Lois might have a lot to do with Tom Welling.

Obviously if the Smallville show leaps over to Metropolis with this movie, Lana will be left behind and Lois will enter.

Otherwise, its anyone's guess. They have to pick a superman first, then decide on Lois based on chemistry with their superman.

Lois is so secondary in the grand scale of a superman movie so its not the most important part, but definately something that needs to be done right.

Posted by: Rodney at August 13, 2004 05:03 AM

Going back to the topic of who's going to play Superman, Jim Caviezel is interested. I would love to see him in the role for no reason other than he'd have the single best career ever. Honestly, how many people can say that they've been Superman AND Jesus.

Posted by: twitch at August 13, 2004 07:36 AM

What needs to happen is Warner Brothers needs to just scrap everything concerning Superman and use Smallville as a launch pad if you will to start a genre of great Superman stories, since Smallville is the best story line concerning origins and by simply using the same writters and producers these great people I feel can turn out one hell of a movie, but the problem now is that executive heads (Warner heads)are more concerned with big names (directors,writers,and stars). What they need to do is simply start from the source even if it means making a movie from television to big screen back to television keeping Tom Welling as the obvious choice of Superman(Granted if he chose to).In closing I can almost say with out a doubt that the next Superman movie will be one of the worst in movie history along side the Batman and Robin movie.

Posted by: steel at September 26, 2004 10:49 PM

hi everybody, i got a doubt, why the city of metropolis is called that way? can somebody answer it to my email? thanks a lot

Posted by: Martha at October 6, 2004 09:49 PM

i think that if they make a new smallville season i thinf they should show how super women became

Posted by: amanda at December 30, 2004 01:39 AM

I think warner brothers is making a big mistake by not using tom welling as superman or takeing smallville to the next level and using it as some part of the movie i love superman it's a classic movie that needs to come back to life and needs to be done right if not it will fail theres millions of people that tune in to smallville every week and it's getting bigger every week i just don't understand why warner brothers wants to use a no name instead of someone that is already playing the man of steel and doing a great job!!!!!!

Posted by: josh at January 1, 2005 05:32 PM

I also think that the warner brothers are making a big mistake by not letting Tom Welling play superman because as we all know Tom has what it takes to be superman.

Posted by: brian siambi at March 28, 2005 11:53 AM

hola como estan yo soy alex pero quiero conoserte en persona si soy yo soy un aficionado de ti son tu fan numero uno bueno es lo q yo creo bueno tanbien soy tu fan por q amimejor amigo tambien desde entonses ami me enpeso asentirme megor me ewntiendes ok no tienes msn el mio es [email protected] si es q nadien quiere aser amistad con migo por q disen q soy bien aburridono se si tu me entiendas bueno aqui te escribo por q pienso q espa escribir mensages si ok si es q eres el q yo pienso me agregas si por fas si ok es qyo tube un amigo q le gustaba se nombre mas q no loquiero no ori por q mepago con mal moneda si sabes q es eso berdad si espero tu contestasion si ok bye

Posted by: alejandro aquino santiago at August 9, 2005 08:07 PM