August 28, 2004

Hero Rules the Box Office

heroposter.jpgAccording to the just-released figures over at Box Office Mojo Hero is leading this weekend's box office race by a healthy margin. Despite playing on nearly a thousand fewer screens than the week's other wide release - Anacondas, and who had the bright idea to put this thing on three thousand screens? Seriously, people, think about what you're doing - Hero drew $2.6 million more, and is sporting a per screen average more than double the number two film.

Yes, Miramax, you were right. American audiences will never come to see a subtitled Asian art film.

Posted by John Campea at August 28, 2004 02:10 PM


oddly, considering how miramax has diddled about with asian releases theyve licensed in the past, the main people who dont have faith that americans will watch a subtitled asian release are miramax themselves... why license a film if you really dont have confidence that audiences can cope with it untouched... then again : anacondas - competition!? i'm glad its done well...

Posted by: logboy at August 28, 2004 02:30 PM

hes best movie yet ive seen it 3 times still havent got bored

Posted by: Stephen Young at October 1, 2004 05:45 AM