August 11, 2004

Great Article On Chan-Wook Park's Contribution To Three: Monster

cut.jpgOkay, if you think my fixation with Japanese films is something to behold you've obviously never talked to KungFuGuy about the film scene in Korea. The guy can quote Korean box office stats. It's creepy. It does, however, come in handy because I don't really have to pay as much attention to the Korean scene, 'cause I know he's going to bring everything major to me. Which he did just this morning. The Korea Times - an English language Korean paper - has just run an article detailing OldBoy director Chan-Wook Park's contribution to Three: Monster and it's a good read ... check it out here.

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2004 10:13 AM


Shucks! Kum-sah Hay-oh [yes - i have no clue how to spell it so I just went phonetic].

You just gotta know where to look.

So there I was looking some more and it seems that THREE will have a viewing at the Venice Film Festival during their midnight madness equivlant.

Hmmmmm. TIFF? Mr. Geddes, sir? Ahem... ... ...

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 11, 2004 11:19 PM