August 27, 2004

Farscape Trailer Online

farscape.jpgYou know, I was never a huge Farscape fan but that had a lot more to do with the availability of the show here in Canada than with the quality. Whenever I did catch an episode I was always left with the impression that this was something I could get totally wrapped up in if only I was able to see a few episodes in sequence and let the story arc build a little. So, though I wasn't all torn up about it I was a little sad when it got cancelled. Well, it's back, sort of in tv movie / miniseries form and the trailer is here. Looks good in a muppetty sort of way.

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 11:43 AM


this is one of the greats show to ever grace our tv's. very hard to keep track of the episodes as they where screen all over the place here in austraila. but it's worth your while joining one of them online dvd rentail sites and watch it from start to finish in order (i hope season 4 will be released before this cool looking mini-series hits our shores :)

And the Muppetts Rule!! (they are a lot better that any of star treks aliens)

Posted by: louis at August 27, 2004 07:43 PM

What really struck me about this show is Ben Browder. He's a great actor and just pulls the whole show together. Without him the show would But he's got a refreshing delivery and style that really brings the show to reality (especially because he responds to all these weird aliens the way a real person probably would). I'd like to see what he might do beyond this and I can imagine him making an interesting superman... But that's just a thought.

Posted by: Mantiss at August 28, 2004 03:59 AM

The hook that got me into the show was Claudia Black. Her acting is outstanding. And I stayed because the writing is compelling.

I am so looking forward to this mini-series. This is my favourite show of all time because all the elements needed to make a brilliant TV series are there.

This show is written for an intelligent audience. The writers never take the easy way out, and they don't "assume the universe obeys my preconceptions". I am always laughing, crying, excited or devasted with this show.... it is never boring. It is never predictable. And it is always creative and risky.

What a treat.

Posted by: Nicola at September 4, 2004 12:27 PM