August 11, 2004

Eros Website Online

eros.jpgI've been waiting to see ANYTHING from this project from the day I saw the first announcement so a huge thank you to reader iamNataku for sending this in ... Anthology films are all the rage these days. They've never really caught on in North America but they're quite common outside of our borders as a way of introducing viewers to a range of directors. The Eros project is somewhat unusual in the anthology film world, though, in that most anthologies tend to use one or two established directors to sell the project while providing exposure for lesser known talents - the exact role that Tarantino and Rodriguez played in Four Rooms - but the three directors involved in Eros are all well established with major world wide followings. Steven Soderbergh, Wong Kar Wai and Michelangelo Antonioni have each contributed a roughly half hour film on the subject of love. There's been little word on this since it was first announced but the Italian distributor of the film has recently launched a website that includes cast information and stills from each of the films, all of which look to be visually stunning and highly distinctive. Check out the site here and click the links across the bottom of the page to find detailed information and stills from each of the three component films.

Posted by John Campea at August 11, 2004 02:41 PM
