August 14, 2004

Early Review From A Test Screening of The Grudge

Creature Corner has just run a lengthy, detailed and massively positive review of Takashi Shimizu's The Grudge - a remake of his own Japanese film Juon - and it's totally worth a read. I love the original so I've been looking forward to this a lot and it's good to hear that it lives up to the source material. The one odd note is that they've apparently been testing both R rated and PG-13 versions of the film, possibly aiming to cash in on Sarah Michelle Gellar's fairly youthful audience if they can get a softer rated version of the film that works. Honestly this is a largely bloodless series so I don't see a lot of reasons why they couldn't make the PG-13 work, but I'm a little surprised that Shimizu and producer Sam Raimi aren't just going for the jugular and letting the ratings fall where they may. Check the review out here.

Posted by John Campea at August 14, 2004 10:07 PM