August 22, 2004

Brothers Grimm Delayed. Again.

Good Lord. What does it take for a Terry Gilliam film to get released? Come on, people! The man's a genius! Let him make his films! And then let us see them! According to Dark Horizons Gilliam's Brothers Grimm has now been delayed until November 2005. WHY!?! The thing's in the can! Just put it out, already! I guess this now counts as another official reason to hate the Weinsteins, though in the case the guilty party is Bob. First he hired a notoriously idiosynchratic director, fought with him about the direction of the film to try and make it more mainstream - er, Bob, we like Gilliam's films precisely because they're NOT so mainstream - then Weinstein fired Gilliam's cinematographer and now he's delayed the film for a whole year from the initial release date. Curse you, Dimension Films! Grr.

Posted by John Campea at August 22, 2004 01:09 PM