August 27, 2004

Blade Runner is Voted 'Best Science Fiction Movie of All Time' By People Who Know a Lot More Than You.

Who says tax dollars and great minds go to waste? - Cuz hey! Mix the two together in a strange bastard coupling, and you've got yourself a movie list! That's right! Apparently, some really smart chaps in London, England figured that naming the Best Science Fiction Movie was something worth doing - rather than other stupid things like... oh.... examining the floppy "String Theory" or curing cancer, to name a couple.

Right-o then... 56 International Scientists ranging in fields from Zoology to Quantum Physics all took part in the poll.

Here is the Article

You could read through the entire breakdown, but I'll summarize it and give you the Top Ten Films right here., all righty? Good. Ready then? And, .. Go!

1) Blade Runner - Noted for its questions about what it is to be human.
2) 2001: A Space Odyssey - Mr. Kubrick.
3) Shared: Star Wars & Empire Strikes Back - Return of the Jedi failed to make the Top Ten list (Sigh..we're gonna hear about this one)
4) Alien - Ridley Scott's got 2 in the Top 5... OooOOoohhh...
5) Solaris - the 1972 version.
6) Shared: Terminator 1 and 2 - Terminator 3 failed to make the Top Billion.
7) The Day the Earth Stood Still - I'm happy I own this. Also known for that wonderful phrase...............
8) The War of the Worlds - Good ol Mr. Wells, Empire of the Ants didn't make it though... Funny that.
9) The Matrix - Not the Trilogy. The First one. Just the First One. Only the First One.
10) Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Because the Fourth Kind is just way too kinky.
There you are. Disagree if you want, they're only Nuclear Quantum Mechanics Professors. or, well, something like that. Mind you, they did leave out Back to the Future. Sigh. Poor Marty.

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 05:33 AM


quatermass and the pit?

Posted by: logboy at August 27, 2004 05:45 AM

Shocked. Absolutely shocked that The Last Starfighter was not included in the Top Ten. Scientists my ass!

Posted by: KungFuGuy at August 27, 2004 08:09 AM

Yes... this must be some kinda plot by Zor to lull us into an unsuspecting frame of mind so he can strike again. Damn him!

Posted by: John Campea at August 27, 2004 09:29 AM

Oh come on! Twelve Monkeys people, Twelve Monkeys!

Posted by: Diane at August 27, 2004 10:50 AM

Diane, I concur.

Posted by: Mantiss at August 27, 2004 01:20 PM

take out star wars and you have my vote. maybe replace witht the 12 monkeys?

Posted by: dave at December 12, 2004 04:46 PM