August 24, 2004

Big Momma's House 2 is in the works... WHY!?!?

bigmomma.jpgThe Hollywood Reporter is reporting that a sequel to the 2000 film Big Momma's House is all set to roll. There are so many things wrong with this notion that it's hard to know where to begin.

First of all Martin Lawrence is just awful. No really. Granted, this is just my opinion and I know there are many out there who disagree. While I think Lawrence is a fairly talented stand up comedian, I have yet to find him even remotely humorous in any film he's appeared in... and yes, that includes Big Momma's House. Lawrence is the same, obnoxious, slap happy, terminally annoying character in every single film, and Big Momma's House 2 will be no exception.

Secondly, the premise has been done to DEATH. Oh look, a guy is getting dressed up in an amazing costume and pretends he's somebody else! Oh wow... yeah... never seen that before. Weather it's Eddie Murphy doing doing the Nutty Professor or the white guy on SNL, or the Wayans in White Chicks, or a plethora of other recent disguise or costume gimmick films... IT'S OLD! IT'S BEEN DONE! IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE! Move on for heaven's sake.

Thirdly, dispite the fact that it took in over $100 million at the box office, the original Big Momma's House just wasn't all that good. I'm not saying it was "bad", but it really was a mediocre comedy at BEST. Now, add that to the fact that most movie sequels take a step down in quality and well... you're in for a big mess.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, the film is going to be directed by John Whitesell. Who is that you may ask? Why, he's the director who brought us such amazing films as "See Spot Run" and "Malibu's Most Wanted". Just because someone directs a couple of sucky films doesn't mean that he can't turn it around and shape into a decent director... but come on!

All things taken into consideration, this project has DISASTER written all over it already. Just one more step in Martin Lawrence's life long quest to become Eddie Murphy. More power to him... but why do we have to watch?

Posted by John Campea at August 24, 2004 07:38 AM


I agree, this movie has practically no chance at being any good. But the answer to your question is, "we" DON'T have to watch-- a large percentage of the people who check this site on a regular basis probably have no intention of doing so. Unfortunately, somebody has already (White Chicks, Coming to America, Mrs. Doubtfire, the "original" Big Momma's House, Johnson Family Vacation). It wouldn't take the biggest brain in the studio jar to forward the genius notion that in Hollywood familiarity breeds anything but contempt-- that is, until even the familiar stops luring moviegoing sheep to the boxoffice slaughter. It's at THAT point, when familiarity curdles and the result is something like the careers of Lawrence or, say, Tim Allen, that fingers 'round the boardroom table start pointing at everybody else as the idiot who thought the 99th version of this kind of dress-up comedy was a crummy idea. Then we can move right along to the next semi-fresh idea that's ripe for cannibalization. Everybody knows that Martin Lawrence, while ostensibly talented, has displayed no intention of doing anything original in his quest to become Eddie Murphy II (neither has Eddie Murphy lately, either). Until he does, I'd rather writers and sites like this one ignore him and every other hack on the block. Just let Big Momma's House II come out and die on the poisoned vine. It won't make worthless, unjustifiable sequels go away, but it'll save room for something truly interesting to read about, Campea, and it'll keep you from grinding your teeth down to the nerves in the process.

Posted by: Dennis Cozzalio at August 24, 2004 01:09 PM

i can handle blaxploitation flicks as long as they are blatant and ridiculous, like pooty tang or blackula - a movie like this trying to pass itself off as anything else is poison.

and a somewhat related the hell did white chicks ever get made? i can only imagine the marketing meeting for that one.

Posted by: miles at August 24, 2004 03:40 PM

Miles: As far as I can tell, John's objection's to Martin Lawrence's career have nothing to do with the fact that Lawrence is black. Furthermore, I'm not convinced that "Big Momma's House," "White Chicks" or "Pootie Tang" qualify as blaxploitation either... But "Blacula" was a pretty good movie, however you choose to classify it.

Posted by: Dennis Cozzalio at August 24, 2004 04:23 PM

I haven't seen Blackula, but a movie with such a name can only be a bad movie. A movie so bad, that you have to like.

Posted by: PlutoNick at August 24, 2004 05:40 PM

PlutoNick: Following your line of logic, could a movie with a name like "War and Peace" be anything but a good movie? For the answer, check out the 1956 version directed by King Vidor and starring Audrey Hepburn and Henry Fonda. And with a little research on "Blacula," you might discover that it's got a reputation as an efficient and suspensful horror film that transcends the limitations of its budget and the preconceptions of many viewers who come prepared to giggle over the obviousness of its title. It's no masterpiece, but it deserves better than to be laughed at sight unseen. All of the sudden, I feel like giving "Big Momma's House II" a chance...

Posted by: Dennis Cozzalio at August 24, 2004 06:02 PM

I agree with Dennis. Blacula was a well thought out vampire flick. Give it a look see before condemning it based on the title.

Posted by: Herby at August 24, 2004 06:43 PM

Perhaps the Wayans should remake Blacula. I already heard they were redoing "The Munsters".

(ducks flying tomatoes)

Posted by: nOva at August 24, 2004 11:29 PM

Dennis Cozzalio:

the actor being black is not what makes it blacslpoitation, what makes it blacksploitation is it being a movie composed of black stereotypes that makes it's premise from a skewed view of black culture.

Posted by: miles at August 25, 2004 08:32 AM

thanks for reminding me, I've been meaning ot put Malibu's Most Wanted on my queue.

Posted by: Erin at August 25, 2004 03:02 PM

your a dumbass

Posted by: asdf at August 25, 2004 03:25 PM

Ummmm... I think you mean "you're" a dumbass. How ironic.

Don't you love it when sniveling cowards leave insults and don't have the spine to leave their names or email? Just an observation.

Posted by: John Campea at August 26, 2004 01:10 AM

I saw big mommy'house, I simply love it...I saw anything wrong with it.
What can i say. You have the right with your opinion/.....
i wish that I can be part of the

Posted by: Wad. Joseph at September 26, 2004 01:26 AM

What is everyone dumb Martin is a Joker so let him do another movie is goin to be funny jus like the first one so yea go ahead do another one plz. All i kno that martin is my fravitore actor and the guy is fucking funny as shit ppl need to get off his nuts. Good luck in big momma's house 2 martin Peace =)

Posted by: CaShiZzLe at January 12, 2005 09:59 AM

Stop hating on Martin You couldn't do a better job wHILE YOU ARE HERE upset he is getting paid so stop haten the job isn't easy trust me . He is living life so you go pray somewhere its a sin to be jealous.Big Mommas house was great and I expect #II to be better.

Posted by: Asun at January 25, 2005 03:01 PM

Big mama's house was hilarious. It was in depth. The characters were funny. The plot was neatly tied. Nia Long look good. This is some good Comedy. This is probably the best movie martin lawrence has done. I will tell what was trash was that national city move or whatever it was called. That was some serious garbage. John is a natural hater and he needs people to debate him. So I'm just helping him out by posting this message before his site busts because he doesn't get a lot of people responding to his posts. So I am here for you b

Posted by: the gifted one at February 20, 2005 08:50 PM

I can not wait for Big Mommas House II I heard that john whitesell is the director he did a great job with Malibu's most wanted.

Posted by: asun at February 25, 2005 02:28 PM

I over heard some cooler talk about Big Mommas House 2 and wanted to find more. I searched to web and here I am. This is so funny but at the same time bad. There are comments that are telling people they are wrong because of how they felt about a movie. We all can opinions can't we? Are we wrong for that. Just because it's not the same as other doesn't mean anybody is more right or wrong than the other. It means we're not the same person. Someone said that the reviewer was a dumbass and missed spelled it.

Posted by: Chris at April 3, 2005 01:34 AM

My first comments are out of wack. I'm doing this on a BlackBerry device and they're a pain. In my eyes how can anyone can be wrong because of their opinons. If we disagree does it make us right. We can disagree, but if we listen without trying to make the other see how they are wrong or right, that's being mature. Is there really anyway a is bad or good? We do have the Oscars & award shows, but those winners are for people who vote and much money it made. I did like the dumbass one. John knows what I mean

Posted by: Chris at April 3, 2005 05:00 AM

I am laughing now as to how people can express a dislike to a movie and expect other people to agree to your opinion...if you have any idea about a God or a I am being then I know for sure we are all individuals and not everyone is going to have the same sense of humor, I only know one thing if you can laugh at any movie and come out feeling good about yourself and not wanting to hurt, beat up, rape , steal, rob, degrade another human being, I say go for it Martin Lawerence...he is an actor a joker that is what he do make people laugh and I think God is happy that there are Martin Lawerences on this planet called Earth...because laughter makes you live longer and feel better about all people... So I think all the so called Martin Lawerence has a place on earth like every one else ...don't be haten just to be haten every one of has a purpose even if it's for the good or bad... and it seems to me Martin Lawerence is doing all the good he can by making people laugh and offering variety of any kind on the table ...remember you were born free... we all have choices so if you don't like Big Mama House 2 then don't watch it, an opinion is just that an opinion so let every one enjoy what they need to enjoy and the world continues to turn and life goes on ...unless you are a serial killer or a pathaphile ...then you need to leave the planet... Peace my brothers and Sisters . I think God knew what she/he was doing when we were born all shades of colors, all different heights and different mind sets. Lets just have good debates, stop the name calling and understand we are all different, except one... we all bleed red... Peace

Posted by: AkeI' at April 19, 2005 05:15 PM


Posted by: Sarah V. at May 1, 2005 05:49 PM

I am with Sarah, I love Martin. I think he is just great. I thing "Big Mama's House" was o'k, but "Run Tell That" and "Life" were great. I stay up every weekday night to watch the reruns of the Martin sitcom. I pray that I see Shenaenae (sp?, I am confessing I do not know how to spell this, so do not try to rag me for it like you did "dumbass", but he deserved it). Martin is just so funny when he plays other characters. I am looking forward to seeing Big Mama's House II. Does anyone know where they are filming the movie. I heard rumor it is New Orleans, does anyone know for sure?

Posted by: Dee at May 10, 2005 01:05 AM

yes it is in new orleans.......i saw a sign yesterday directing drivers to a location for shooting

Posted by: k at May 23, 2005 11:55 AM

Well, I tottaly have to DISagree with you! As a matter of fact, I am in the movie as part of the cheerleading segment! I think it's rude to dis a movie that hasnt even come out yet! I don't want to seem rude or sound cliched or whatever, ut you can't judge a book by its cover! You just can't okay! I worked VERY. VERY hard to make that movie! My WHOLE TEAM did! And we'd all appreciate it if you didnt dis a movie because it is using someold thing or whatever! I'm not sure if the whole movie is shot in NEw Orleans, but the Cheerleading segment is...

Posted by: someone.... at June 1, 2005 05:49 PM

Stop hating the player. If you can't play the game, just admit it. You can learn how to play or you can hate the game itself. Leave the player alone. Matin dear, keep doing your thing. You got J-U-ICE, baby. Can't wait to see big mama's house II.

Posted by: Dash2005 at July 10, 2005 06:14 PM

I agree with Akel, we r all different, so we all have different opinions. As 4 me, I love Martin Lawrence and 4sure I loved "Big Mamma's House"...I can't wait for part 2.

Posted by: Hala at July 17, 2005 01:22 AM