August 24, 2004

Add Another One Onto My Must See List. The Machinist Trailer Online.

Someone buy Christian Bale a sandwich.

I remember hearing some concerns about whether Bale would be able to put on enough bulk to be convincing as Batman when he was first cast, which struck me as rather odd since he's far from being a small man in either Reign of Fire or Equilibrium - the last two films I'd seen him in. It all makes sense now.

I just came across a trailer for The Machinist, a truly creepy looking little film that will be playing in the Midnight Madness program at this year's Toronto Film Festival. Most of the mood comes from the stellar film work and acting but I'd be lying if I didn't say that a good chunk of it comes from the positively gaunt Bale. The physical transformation is shocking and I really, really hope that he was under a doctor's care throughout this entire film because whatever he did to himself to drop so much weight cannot have been healthy. Seriously: I wouldn't have recognized him if I hadn't already known he was the lead in the film. Check the trailer out here.

Posted by John Campea at August 24, 2004 10:21 PM


Man! I'd completely forgotten about this one! This was getting a lot of hype over in the horror movie side of the net ages ago. I really want to see it.

And it is amazing just how thin Bale is in the movie. Crazy.

Posted by: Luke at August 25, 2004 09:58 AM

For those who've never seen Brad Anderson's Session Nine it ranks as one of the best horror movies I've encountered in the last five years. Astonishing use of soundtrack, performance, location and effects offering a breathtaking look at how woundedness, weakness and evil work together in this poor old broken world of ours.

I can't wait to see this film and am so jealous of Bubba seeing it first that I will never send him a coat through the mail again.'

Posted by: big bald dave at August 25, 2004 10:51 AM

Oooh ... I totally didn't clue in that this was the same guy who made Session 9. Gooooood film.

Posted by: Bubba at August 25, 2004 02:36 PM

i've seen it, twice. it was screened at Comic-Con in late July. very good, very creepy and disturbing.


Posted by: dr. theopolis at August 26, 2004 06:31 PM

Man, maybe I was low on caffiene that day, but, and I realize that this is in contrast to all the hip-underground flick lovers out there, but Session 9 drove me up the stinking wall. I bloody hated it. I believe the nickman was equally frustrated with it as we left the theatre.. although he may have been converted since then..

Posted by: Day-vuh at August 27, 2004 02:38 AM