August 13, 2004

A Pair of Interesting Joss Whedon Rumors ...

whedon.jpgA pair of interesting Whedon-related articles appeared on today ...

In the first Whedon lets it be known that while he is still interested in pursuing those rumored Buffy-verse TV movies that spawned so many stories a while back he has yet to receive a firm offer from Fox or any other studio to actually go ahead and make them. Whedon also says that he doesn't think either Sarah Michelle Gellar or David Boreanaz will be interested in reprising their characters, which means no Buffy or Angel, but he thinks there are around ten other characters that could carry such a thing. That seems a bit high to me. Personally, I'd love to see the BBC make good on that Rupert Giles based Ripper miniseries they were talking about at one point. Faith could carry her own story, as could Spike, Andrew, Lorne and possibly Willow but I don't see the list going much farther than that with the characters left living after the two series shut down.

Story number two is pure speculation, but it's lovely speculation, indeed. See, Bryan Singer signing on to make Superman threw the folks at Fox into a bit of a snit and they've tossed him off the upcoming third X Men film - and his proposed remake of Logan's Run - as a result. So, who's going to do it? Well, there's a certain well established screen writer and director of genre film and television who's currently writing the new X Men comic book who'll be available just as soon as he wraps up Serenity and that'd be our man Joss. Would he be a good choice? Absolutely, and he seems to really want to have a crack at it, but the man's relationship with Fox isn't all that much rosier than Singer's, so who knows ...

Posted by John Campea at August 13, 2004 05:56 PM


What?? No Xander based movie? Come on (jk)!! All I want out of life is the movie with the plot point "Alernate reality where Oz and Willow stay together, Riley is accidentally staked after the first time we see him, and no one gets addicted to magic." I don't ask for much.

Anyone heard anymore about aniBuffy?

Posted by: David Poe at August 14, 2004 04:31 AM

Whoops ... totally forgot about ol' one eye. Yeah, Xander could carry one assuming he's out of rehab. As much as I love Seth Green I'm not sure Oz has the legs, though ...

aniBuffy's apparently still in the pitch stage ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 14, 2004 05:23 AM

I want to be in your movie

im a big fan of x-men. i saw all the movies, i am very smart if a's and b's is what you call smart. i dont want to be the cool kid but fairly cool, smart, nice. my favorite character is cy-clopse and wolverine. i watched x-men - xmen 2. i read x-men books, i drew a origanal costume and drew a xmen costume. i am nine yrs old. your movie is coming out in 2006. i will be 11 then. then i can help my mom with money and i always wanted to be an actor. im really good.

Posted by: Codi Talarico at November 4, 2004 06:12 PM

Haha. You said it, kid. Don't we all?

Posted by: Claire at January 11, 2005 09:04 PM