August 27, 2004

A Cheap Plug for Hockey Fans

Ok, this is not at all movie related... I tried to think of ways to spin this so it would LOOK like it was movie related, but I now realize I must just admit it's a cheap plug for a friend's website.

The Hockey Pundits is a hockey blog mainly run by Mr. Jordon Cooper (and as a side note, I was one of it's founding members). Jordon is a great writer who gets his thoughts down in a short manner better than anyone else I know. It has a number of other contributors as well. If you like hockey (if you don't, you're dumb), The Hockey Pundits is a site you should be visiting daily. Now back to your regularly scheduled movie rants.

Posted by John Campea at August 27, 2004 09:43 AM


Hey, cool site! Feel free to come visit me at!

Posted by: Bookzoony at September 11, 2004 07:28 AM