August 18, 2004

A Bevy of Stars Sign on for Jarmusch's Latest ...

I've got to say that Jim Jarmusch is a very hit or miss director for me. His good stuff is undeniably the work of a genius - I'm still not sure what Dead Man is about, but I seldom enjoy being confused quite so much - but his weaker films are painful on the tooth-pulling scale. Here's hoping this next one ends up in the strong pile - God knows it's got a good enough cast. The as yet untitled film is slated to star Bill Murray, Chloe Sevigny, Jessica Lange, Sharon Stone and Tilda Swinton. Bill Murray in a Jarmusch film? Back in the Ghostbusters days would anybody have guessed that Murray would have become the most sought after actor in the art-geek film world? Who knew? The Hollywood Reporter article on the film is here ...

Posted by John Campea at August 18, 2004 09:09 AM


Just out of curiousity (and maybe a little debate, depending on your answers), which "weaker films" do you mean?

Posted by: tracy at August 20, 2004 06:02 PM

His documentary on Neil Young, for one ...

Posted by: Bubba at August 20, 2004 10:04 PM

well, that's one...

I was just hoping it wasn't something like Night on Earth or one of the good ones (which it wouldn't be, I guess, if it happens to be one you don't like). I think for the purpose of my question, Neil Young documentaries don't count ;)

Just curious, though.

Posted by: tracy at August 24, 2004 08:19 PM