July 05, 2004

Website For New Jeunet Film Goes Live!

With the exception of Alien: Resurrection - which I like to pretend never happened - I am a raving, gibbering fool for Jean-Pierre Jeunet's films. This man is a flat out genius. If you've not yet seen Delicatessen, The City of Lost Children or Amelie then get yourself to a video store RIGHT NOW and check them out. That said, I'm more than a little pleased to report that the French website for his latest film - A Very Long Engagement - has gone online and it includes film stills, and a lengthy trailer made up of both behind the scenes footage and a long scene from the film. How good is this man? Good enough that his behind the scenes shots look better than most people's finished work. This looks to be absolutely stunning visually, but then I'd expect no less from Jeunet. And yes, G, it stars Audrey Tatou. Yummy. Check it out here.

Posted by John Campea at July 5, 2004 07:44 AM