July 15, 2004

Trailer for New Chan Wook Park Film Online!

3monster.jpgNow here's a project I've been aching to see ever since I first heard of it ... it doesn't take a genius to recognize that Asian horror films are a hot property these days and being non-idiots, some fine film makers over in Asia produced a compilation film titled simply "Three" a couple years back featuring a trio of excellent short horror films from a trio of excellent film makers from across the continent. The original "Three" performed very well, well enough that the producers decided to give it another shot with a different trio of directors. Involved this time out are the critically lauded Fruit Chan - whose work I'm unfamiliar with but whose name always makes me giggle - from Hong Kong, Japanese cult direct Takashi Miike, and - fresh of his Grand Prix win at Cannes for the stellar Old Boy - South Korea's Chan Wook Park. If nothing else the presence of Miike and Park make this film an absolute must see and see it you can; at least you can see a trailer for Park's submission and it looks as good and as disturbing as you'd expect from the man.

Check out the film's website here and the trailer here. That trailer took me a good while to load up, but it's worth the wait. Nummy.

Posted by John Campea at July 15, 2004 07:07 AM


Holy moley... that looks just a tad bit effed up.

Posted by: opus at July 15, 2004 10:22 PM

Great find -- thanks.

Can't imagine Fruit Chan doing horror. By the way, you should seek out his work. Durian, Durian, Public Toilet, and Hollywood, Hong Kong are all wonderful small films.

Posted by: Filmbrain at July 16, 2004 03:03 PM

i applause peter ho sun chan get this started.
a good platform to showcase asian horror at its
true originality.

Posted by: cinephile at September 14, 2004 01:45 AM

Ok that was very scary I am new with this kind of movies, but believe me I almost fell out of my freaky chair watching it........... Asia Horror Movies Really Rules...............................

Posted by: Nitz Blue wishes at July 31, 2005 11:16 PM