July 31, 2004

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant MP3s Online

michellegun.jpgIt's not exactly movie news but it is related so I'm putting it up anyway ... If you've been paying attention to the site over the last little while you know that I've got a major fixation on Toshiaki Toyoda's Blue Spring and that part of the reason for that is the killer soundtrack by Japan's Thee Michelle Gun Elephant. Did a bit of digging around last week and was shocked to find that the band actually has a US record deal. Or at least they did before they broke up. Imagine a more muscular Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and you're in the general vicinity of the Michelle Gun. Or if you prefer not to imagine you can check out some mp3s here. The Blue Spring stuff can be found on the Rodeo Tandem Beat Specter record. The mail man - one of my favorite people on the planet. I love the mail man. - brought me my copy yesterday and it's gooooooooood ....

Posted by John Campea at July 31, 2004 10:38 AM
