July 23, 2004

The Watchmen is a Go!

watchmen.jpgWell, we reported on the rumors of a Darren Aronofsky helmed adaptation of The Watchmen a while back and it looks as though the project is now officially a go. The film has been officially announced by Paramount Pictures and will be written by David Hayter, produced by Aronofsky's long time business partner Eric Watson with Aronofsky at the helm. Production should gear up just as soon as Aronofsky wraps up The Fountain ...

Posted by John Campea at July 23, 2004 10:17 AM


I think this announcement is just a panacea to those of us suffering from "Toxic Catwoman Shock."

The voice of Silent Snake adapting Alan Moore's Watchmen for the guy who got Betty Ross to go ass-to-ass? It's a pop culture implosion!

Posted by: Jeff at July 24, 2004 03:13 PM

Actually Catwoman wasnt a shock. We knew it would be bad.

And the entertainment industry running scads of "Hero movies you LOVE" on the week of Catwoman's release are more to cushion the blow. They may have stopped this from being a Schumaker blunder.

But Watchmen? Guaranteed hit. Oh wait. So was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I just hope its TRUE to the book. Watchmen is intelligent gritty real pulp hero stuffs. If they nerf it or neon it to make it sell then it will bite Liefelds.

Posted by: Rodney at July 25, 2004 03:28 AM

Not a chance Aronofsky's going to soften this up ... he's not at all afraid to make harsh, adult themed films and he's a serious comic book fan so I can't see him making this if it's not true to the books.

Posted by: Bubba at July 25, 2004 12:29 PM