July 27, 2004

The Village Giveaway Contest!

village.jpgGood Lord, do we ever like giving stuff away. We like it so much, in fact, that we're not even going to wait for our Lady Snowblood DVD giveaway contest - you've entered that one already, I'm sure - to wrap up before starting this one. What've we got this time? Free swag from M. Night Shyamalan's The Village. Damn cool free swag, I might add. Swag in the form of a framed 16 x 20 glossy still from the film signed by Shyamalan and the cast, among other things. Want it? Of course you do. Read on for all of the details.

Given the nature of Shyamalan's work and the fact that we've got a pretty pricey, ultra-collectible piece of merchandise as the top prize we're making this one fairly difficult. Break out your writing caps, 'cause I'm looking for ghost stories. Keep them short - as in under five hundred words - 'cause God knows I don't want to read your novel. Once you've got your finest piece of short fiction - or non-fiction, for that matter - all polished up send it to me here. Including "The Village Contest Entry" or some such thing in the subject line would make my life much easier. When all is said and done we'll go through the entries and award the prizes as follows:

First Place: the aforementioned signed and framed still
Second Place: a copy of the soundtrack
Third & Fourth Place: a copy of the theatrical one-sheet
Fifth Place: a pat on the bum (assuming it's in range) and better luck next time.

We will accept entries until midnight, Saturday August 7th, so you've got about a week and a half to get in on this. And, sorry, but this one's open only to residents of the United States. I know, I know, we're not even Americans ourselves, but that's the way it's gotta be.

The film opens in sneak previews Thursday, July 29th and goes into wide release on the thirtieth. In the meantime you can satisfy your Village-y curiosity by visiting either www.rulesofthevillage.com or www.thevillage.movies.com

Now get writing! Go! Now!

*** A late addendum ... feeling intimidated by that 500 word limit? Keep in mind that's a maximum. You don't need to go nearly that long if you don't want to. I've got a thirteen word entry currently waiting to collect a prize. Make me laugh and you've got a fighting chance of winning something ***

Posted by John Campea at July 27, 2004 09:31 PM



Posted by: Marla Singer at July 28, 2004 02:17 AM

big bald dave has entered. I dare all of you to be creepier than me.

Posted by: big bald dave at July 28, 2004 04:59 PM

only open to americans?!? This is another trick by those dirty republicans and their skeletor like dictator Bush!! Man, I feel hosed. Hosed I tell ya!

Posted by: nick at July 28, 2004 05:32 PM

What the hell?!?! Why is it only open to Yankees? That's seriously effed. How can this even happen since you're all in Canada?!? Sell-outs.

Posted by: Bart Wang at July 28, 2004 05:42 PM

Yep. I'm a whore. But the goods are coming from the US PR company and they say US only.

Posted by: Bubba at July 28, 2004 10:45 PM

I'm kinda confused how we "sold out" when we aren't getting anything from it. Sigh.....

Oh well.. people gotta yell at SOMETHING..

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 29, 2004 12:00 AM

You don't know who Mr. Wang is, do you Day-vuh?

Posted by: Bubba at July 29, 2004 10:58 AM

did anyone notice the transformer in the corner of the screen on the movie, did they forget to take that out in edit?

Posted by: jason at July 30, 2004 05:29 PM

Saw the movie this morning, I'm glad I was there for the first show of the day and it only cost four bucks. I won't give away anything, but it was not up to MNS's other movies, not by a long shot. And predictable, too.

Posted by: Billo at July 30, 2004 09:31 PM

-- YEah after I wrote it, I think I remembered who Mr. Wang was.. so I went into hoping that my reply sounded ambiguous enough to make it sound like I'm remembering..

I guess it didn't.. poop.

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 30, 2004 09:45 PM

Will you make the winning story available for the general masses to read? Puh-leez.....Daddy needs a good scare....

Posted by: dmiller23462 at August 5, 2004 07:29 PM