July 24, 2004

The New Transformers Movie: Filmed in Live Action. No Seriously.

Yesterday, superherohype & aintitcool posted a little blip about the apparent Tranformers movie coming to your local movie house by summer 2006.

Superherohype's article.

Dreamworks and Paramount are the companies behind it with nothing else yet determined with the exception that it'll be live action. Well, Mr. Spielberg might be the executive producer and AintitCool swears their "source" is correct by saying Rob Zemeckis will direct it. Hmmmm... Live Action. An interesting concept, but ..well.. I just dunno...

- Personally for me, I'm still having a hard time getting around the fact that in an attempt to push more products (Milton Bradley?) went and killed off my favourite transformers in the Transformers Movie -- get this -- 18 years ago. As a kid, now correct me if I'm wrong, but the news that Optimus Prime died was the first "where-were-you-when-John F Kennedy" moment in our young little lives. Killing off the "coolest" and most "followed" icon of millions of 8-10 year-olds was the dumbest move I have ever seen a company make. And I think the company has been trying to take that moment back ever since.

- That and I'm ticked that the new tranformers are made entirely out of cheap plastic - we had it so good back then. Sigh...
So here we are making a new movie for the newer generation of Transformer lovers - 18 years later, who likely don't know much about the blasphemies that have taken place before them. Unless they do some show-stopping filming, I likely won't see this, just to protest that my inner 10 year old is still mad.

Robert Zemeckis is of course the genius behind Back to the Future (and a puss-load of other stuff). But I'm sure you knew that already.

Posted by John Campea at July 24, 2004 11:09 AM


I first heard about this project a while ago, and I was skeptical at first too, but it has some serious potential to be really good. Especially if they can do something like the guys did in this clip that KungFuGuy sent me: http://home.comcast.net/~themichaelsmith/VWHiRes.mpg

Posted by: twitch at July 24, 2004 11:33 AM

That video clip is awesome... Between that and the transforming 747 in "Returner", the technical potential is definitely there.

Posted by: opus at July 24, 2004 12:32 PM

Remember when they had the Kid Wars when you were about 8 to 12 years old in teh early to mid 80's.....Transformers Vs GoBots? How bad were those GoBots! I always wanted the Tranformers for X mas but my parents would by me GoBats because 1.) They were cheaper and 2.) They didn't know the diffrence. It Still haunts me.....aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.....the anger....turning green,bicepts getting bigger,pants ripping......arrhhhhhhhhhhh

Posted by: jason at July 24, 2004 01:03 PM

I was trying to think of how they could pull that "Live" stuff off......but that clip is great....Imagine what ILM can do? Just hope they put a story behind the CGI....ya know?

Posted by: Jason at July 24, 2004 01:06 PM

Well if any of you are regular readers, then you will know I profess to be the comic book guru of this clan.

Transformers the Comic Book is what got me collecting. I am so hyped about the idea of a live action film. I just hope its a generation1 film with the classic transformers. This Armada and Energon crap with Minicons and Pokemon sidekick kids is just so lame.

I wonder if they will swear in it like they did in TF the movie.

And I was pretty crushed to see Optimus die, but by the end of the movie I was stoked because HOT ROD became the new leader.... see.. that was my nickname in highschool... oh forget it.

Posted by: Rodney at July 25, 2004 03:18 AM

I'm 31 and my son told about 6 months ago that he wanted Transformers for X mas.....What? I said....how do you know about them? I watch them on TV.....well...I was stoked to watch it with him......the kid is growing up.....no more Fu#@ing Pokemon Dualing disk crap....aaaarrrrrrr......so I sat down and you know what.......shitty cartoon graphics and those Japanese version of white people......aaaaarrrrrrrrr.......I'm getting rid of cable.

Posted by: jason at July 26, 2004 09:51 AM

hello everyone , well I am 19 years old and a life long fan of the TRANSFORMERS, ... ever sence I was 5 years old I wanted to see my heros in live action, I have no idea how they are goin to show this new instalment but all I can say is that unless they have a DIEHARD FAN ! directing the movei there will be stuff people will complain about, like the X-MEN movie and every other comic/cartoon baced movie there will be inperfections. I on the other hand am looking forwerd to seeing a new idea for out belovid transforming robots.....as long as there are no minicone and Pokemon side kicks.... they are just ....a bad BAD idea.

Posted by: brandon at July 27, 2004 02:34 AM

i was browsing through the internet a while back and discovered about the live action movie, man was i pleased i found out they are using the G1 transformers i hope the human interaction will be good because that is one of the things that aided the show. i have seen at least one episode from every transformer series that has come out in the US from G1 to energon. the human interaction in armada and energon helped the series a little truth i always thought the minicons sort of resembled micromasters and power masters due to thier effects on the larger transformers anyway i also hope the new movie will have the headmasters, targetmasters or powermaster, perferably all three oh well we will see on december 2006

Posted by: ryushi411 at August 26, 2004 06:26 PM

nice site i really like it

Posted by: Martha Kaplan at September 10, 2004 01:09 PM

my comment on the new transformers movie i am a big fan of them i have always have been i know alot about them i know almost every single one of the autobots and decepticons the minicons and other transfomers

Posted by: james at October 22, 2004 02:48 PM

what the fuck is i am going to kill who ever made this site go ahead try to find me hahahahaha
die dumbass

Posted by: monkey killer at October 22, 2004 03:00 PM

I think that no matter what some people will not be thrilled about this idea. It will either "oh this is about the OLD toys.." or fanboys will be like "technically this part about Rodimus and the McGuffin wasn't in the series/comic/fanfic" or it will be a radically different idea, like headmasters mating with minicons or something stupid.
Bottom line..what ever the new movies about, expect overpriced toys from the movie. Hopefully for the series, expect some continuity and some substance. Lets face it, that "Matrix" crap was a classic McGuffin, even for a plot device.

Posted by: Ronold at December 9, 2004 01:15 PM

till all are one!

Posted by: Jaqmihoff at December 14, 2004 06:58 PM

Well, Its going to be CGI and Action based. I dont think killing Prime was a mistake. Why do we remember the film, because Prime dies. It gives you a true sence of loss that no other episode does, which is good even as a kid. It turns him from a Hero into a Legend, The mistake they made was saying he would returm. There not calling it the Matrix in this films due to 'The matrix the Movie' And soundwave insnt a tape, Director says it would be unrealistic. And megatron isnt a hand gun. It needs to be classic G1 based. But i fear they will serve the Generic public with the film as supposed to the Real G1 fans.

Posted by: Ant at December 21, 2004 08:29 AM

Optimus, ahhhhhhhhhhh, where are you my friend?

Posted by: Waza at December 22, 2004 04:42 PM

I have been a fan of the G1 transformers since i was a little kid, More than any other toy or cartoon i was glues to Transformers and the toys.

The only toy i had when i was a kod of them was smokescreen. I am happy to see the new G1 transformers coming and that they are useing G1 models unlike the Crapy armada and this and that.

I will make one more post after the movie comes out because I am a TF fan. I think this movie will be a good one, not the best by the first TF standerds, so we wont be disapointed, but non th eless it will be good.

Proceed Megatron! your way too oblivion....

Posted by: Greg at December 31, 2004 03:59 AM

A lot of you keep going on about pokemon sidekicks but don't you remember spike and his dad sparkplug the human sidekicks in almost every episode of G1 Transformers!! I dont watch the new cartoons so I don't know how bad these characters are, but you do need some humans to make alliance with the Transformers or they wouldn't have anything to protect.

Also I personally think they should have got square to make a completely computer generated movie because only they could make the Transformers solid and gritty enough to be beleivable characters,

Other than that theres a decent citreon car advert on European TV that has a car that changes to a dancing robot in live action. It looks amazing (better than that clip of that beetle posted by twitch)so I wouldn't mind if they used that technology.

Posted by: ash at January 6, 2005 09:09 AM

Only one man should be trusted to write the script, and that's my old hero Simon Furman. Anyone here who knows that name will probably agree with me. Other than that I can only pray they get it right.

Posted by: Thindave at January 20, 2005 08:12 AM

Best tranforming animation I have ever seen. It starts dancing which is a little weird but if the live action movie can match this quality it will be amazing. Enjoy.


Posted by: Marshall at February 12, 2005 02:23 PM

To all reading this.
I was born in 1984 and am a transformers fan.
I am excited to see this movie, but a question I have is; Can Spielburg really pull this off?
I hope in all genralization that he will stick with the original transformers idea of 1984, because Optimus-prime is my idole of leadership.
Megatron can be what ever they make as long as it is realistic. The Story line is fragile if he makes his own. Please keep it real...

Derrick Simpson :)

Posted by: D simpson at March 7, 2005 08:48 PM

I am glad to hear about a new Transformers movie. I remember when I was little I would watch the old one religiously everyday. I was reading comments and obviously some of you didnt watch much of the series. After Optimus is killed in the movie he is shortly brought back to life in the series by some scientists. After he is brought back to life he reclaims his place as leader after battling Rodimus and other that were infected with a deadly spore that makes Autobots and Decepticons go mad and fight one another. But besides that I cant wait for the new movie.

Posted by: Josh Estes at March 28, 2005 03:20 PM

2006 its a long long way but its about time they took it to the next step as a fan and a kid at heart ive watched all the transformer cartoons and own most of them on dvd and the cartoon movie but this live action 1 is a must see for me.......
and as the saying goes megatron must be stopped at all costs (optimus prime)

Posted by: soundwave at April 19, 2005 04:08 PM

transformers rule
optimus prime is the hulk hogan 0f tf's everytime you think the old sons gone he hits your screen again

Posted by: rodimus major at April 28, 2005 07:02 PM

I have been a pretty die hard TF fan for many years. Like so many people on this board, I had watched the cartoon religiously as a kid. I still watch the cartoon to this day in the form aof DVds and videos. Unfortunately, I have also watched the more current US released cartoons: RID, Armada/Energon. They have a very shallow storyline and an even less lack of animation. The pokemon effect is in full force here. Using dialog and storylines that are on the level of a five year old, make it seem that they underestatemate todays youth and assume that they are all mentally incompetant at conceiving any substantially intelligent storyline.
Eventhough I am a fan of the cartoon, I have also been a long time collector and fan of the origional US marvel comic series since my dad use to buy me issues after soccer practice. I bought every almost every issue until Issue #80, even getting my letter published, but failing to reasonably explain my attempt at a NO PRIZE ( I also enjoyed the theory behind Gen. 2, but not as much the boxy Machoesque artwork). They still started out slightly shallow, but had much more content and story background laid out than the OG cartoon series did. I also enjoyed the story progression and religious development of the books. I almost consider myself a transformers theologion. Everyone has their preference in this issue. I just prefer to stand by the comic. Not only did Simon Furman create a whole new religion for the transformers, but he also created a line of greater destiny for their race. More than mere machines built by the Quintessons, and then rebelliing with the spark of conciousness that is so common in most AI stories. They were a race of living creatures descended from a living demi-god. Much as the christian religion states that god made humans in "his (or her)" own image, so did Primus. The earthen "God" had organics to build with for its' creations, but Primus was fused with an asteroid with mostly metals to work with. Water was a rare substance. The aspect of Unicron was much on the level of a satan like charachter. He was bound to destroy everything in the universe until it there was nothing but him.
Now to stray away from the whole religious aspect (what the Fuck did I ramble on for anyways?), I liked the comics overall character development. From Optimus Primes relationship with Ratchet, to Grimlock being way more than a one dimensional idiot, swearing leadership over the Autobots twice in the origional generation one series. Bumblebee and Blaster, to the short lived tales of the ThrottleBots. There was always an aspect of twist and seriousness, but with a bit of humanity thrown in for good measure.
As for the new movie, it is probably going to be more along the line of the new series if Dreamwave has anything to do with it. I was trying to be a fan of the newer series put out by dreamwave, but have been in poor finacial standing and could not support my collecting habit with all the new series coming out. I have not bought a single issue since October of 2004. I am a fan of the animation. If they decided to do a new cartoon movie, than Pat Lee and all the dreamwave team would be great for the animation. Frankly the OG TV show and even books had a lot of glitches that looked like they could have been easily avoided. As for the Live action, I read an interview that said they were going to use as many models as possible with little CGI. The storyline might include references from such events as The Great Shutdown, the era of the Micromasters and as well as the Ark 2, if it is based on dreamwaves story line. Personaly, I would like to see it based on the More than Meets the eye episodes period with bits ov the comic overlayed into it. It would be nice if the pre Earth transformers have the War Within forms before the Ark repairs them. I would like to see those in Live action, or Animation for that matter. But, as always, they people actually making the film have probably have a different vision entirely from anything the fans might pick. And with all the crappy merchandise left from the last few toy lines, wel.... Gotta sell that junk somehow. I wouldn't be surprised to see a few RID or Armada characters show up in the film, just so Hasbro can move it off the shelves. The best bet would be to melt all the leftover in existence down and use the crappy plastic for Mcdonalds happy meal toys, since that is where they probably got it in the first place.
Anyways, I have a strong love for transformers and want to see this movie done well. As long as they don't botch up the fantasy to reality aspect, then I'll be slightly happy, but even if it is pure shite, than we should be happy that they thought of us and our readily active hobby of picking everything apart and finding the slightest things to complain about. Besides, the origional 1980s toys were just repaints of the Microman / nauts series toyline that didn't sell well in europe and Japan. Think of how they Die hard fans ofthat series felt when their favorite toys got the rehash. And the Pokemon like human sidekick was introduced in 1990 with the japanese headmaster and Victory series.

By now, most OG TF fans are reaching their late 20s to early thirties and beyond. We are all Grumpy old men, and we like it .

Posted by: Anthony at June 8, 2005 01:21 AM

Wow, that last post was full of bad grammer and spelling mistakes.
Oh well, maybe I should have proofread it foirst.


WRECK AND RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Anthony at June 8, 2005 01:29 AM

Am I the only girl in the world that likes Transformers? When I first saw the first movie I was hooked right away. I've seen every episode of Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Energon. But what really bugs me is who is going to do the voices for the Transformers in the movie and is Unicron going to be in it?

Posted by: Meg at July 2, 2005 04:42 PM

Everyone says how Prime died in the movie and that that was a bad idea. I remeber being little and when I first saw that I was sad, well for a 5 year old. But everyone always forgets that in the series the quintasans brought him back to life, in the episode right after the movie came out. I cant wait to see the movie myself. Ive been waiting for this for quite some time now.

Posted by: josh at July 23, 2005 11:08 PM

Although i'm really skeptical about the new movie i think it can do some good stuff.

Any money they will bring Optimus back, as the author is right to say he was THE Icon of our childhoods, and yes the live action seems a bit erm at first, but im sure they'll pull it off to make yet another OK movie, hmmmmmmmm.

Yes my inner child will also scream and kick and commence cool quotations of the original movie throughout, and chances are i will miss alot of my favourite characters. Hot Rod, RC and Springer better make an appearance, but still, I'll see it, just lke Hitchhikers, but thats for another rant.

oh a bit of gossip here, I'm a student and i go on placements in hospitals, and there i met a patient who works for Hasbro Games in the UK, (he was one of the people behind the new monopoly set, hmmm) but he told me about this project, stating a computer game was in development to coincide with movie release, for release as possibly early as X-mas this year, i doubt that however and assume its prbably going to be as late as X-mas next year...

Posted by: Jamie D at August 1, 2005 01:45 PM

Hey i been a huge fan of Transformers since i could remember, im 19 and still a fan. The animated movie was class, Killing prime off was a mistake but killing off weeljack and prowl was a blow to me i loved them. Weeljack kickedass, he created the Dinobots and would have made incredable things in the future. I bet they ran out of things for him to create so they killed him off, but prowl was soo cool, and ironide and rachet were main characters. This CGI Movie would be well good if they had combiners in it, Like imagine Superion and devastator fighting it out with omega supreme and Trypticon or metroplex in CGI would be amazing. Lets just hope it aint a flop.

Posted by: Rav at August 23, 2005 06:07 AM

hey im wheeljack and i'm 16 and i have watched transformers riligously since i was 6 year old and have seen every episode of G1 to G3 and so on so i'llget on with it andsay what i have come to say so if anyone doesn't know or found out but i heard from my friend that megatron is going to be a sherman tank like in G2 and i think thats lame because he should be a gun like in G1

Till all are one!!!

Posted by: wheeljack at October 5, 2005 05:32 PM

I remember watching the original Transformers movie...personally I didn't think it was anything as good as the actual series. Killing off the old classic characters was a bad idea. And all just to promote a new toyline of characters which never came close to the original Autobots and Decepticons. Hope the live action movie can redeem the Transformers and make them the hero's they once were, before the corporate bodies went and turned them into utter crap, i.e Armada, Beastwars.

Posted by: Optimus Prime at November 13, 2005 01:24 PM