July 01, 2004

The Movie Blog One Year Anniversary

The month of July marks the 1 year anniversary of The Movie Blog (actual date is July 24th). I can't believe it's been a year. I was sitting in my friend's basement on my laptop posting to my personal blog about a movie I'd just seen. I did that a lot, so the idea crossed my mind to start a new blog that would just focus on movies. The next day I threw a quick design together and put up my first post (it was about Seabiscuit if I remember correctly).

We've come a long way, and yet not far at all. Our traffic at the end of our fist month was a whopping 218 unique visitors. Our traffic for the end of June 2004 was just a touch under 70,000 unique visitors (small by most standards, but pretty big for ours). And yet we're still just a stupid little site where a couple of geeks like to post their thoughts about movies� and hopefully that's what we'll always be.

So for myself, Day-Vuh, Bubba, Rodney and the occasional others who posted here along the way, I'd like to thank all of you who come by to read our rantings and join in the rantings with us in the comments sections. I've had so much fun with this silly little site this year that it almost seems unfair that I take home a $200,000 a year salary for doing it (and if you believe that�)

So here's the deal: We'll keep posting, you keep reading and commenting along the way! Oh, and send me some cans of soup� I'm really hungry! ~John

Posted by John Campea at July 1, 2004 07:43 PM


I'm just happy to find more geeks out there like myself.....My eyes have been opened to the fact that I'm not quite geeky enough in foreign films, but I'm more than willing to learn.....There are only 4 sites I check EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL, usually more than once....They include....

HERE, of course!
Slashdot:News for Nerds"
CNN's site
My own blog

Yep.....This site is MOST DEFINITELY in my morning routine....Keep it up, I'll be here for sure...(with those 70,000 OTHER folks it doesn't really matter if I don't show up, he he he he)

Posted by: dmiller23462 at July 2, 2004 05:27 AM

I guess we can send him our junk mail.

Posted by: day-vuh at July 2, 2004 10:00 AM

Aww.. I guess we deleted the big ad with someone's address on it.. see my comment above this one? yeah it doesn't mean anything anymore.

that would though, imply that my other comments do mean something.

Posted by: day-vuhl at July 2, 2004 06:33 PM

I'm quick on the draw with those 'male enhancement' ads ... zippy, even. Zip, zip.

Posted by: Bubba at July 2, 2004 08:59 PM

I have recently added to our Spam Blacklist Filter. The number we now have running: 1599.

It works so wonderfully well. I have scanned all 3510 comments. We are now comment-section-spam free.

Ooo! We also have the ability to scan for I.P. addresses used in comments left. So instead of deleting someone, we can delete every instance of their existence in one easy step!! Wheeeee!

Posted by: day-vuhl at July 2, 2004 09:58 PM

Since I missed the first year annieve, I will be around for the second one.

Cheers you all!

Posted by: Simone at December 6, 2004 08:25 PM