July 31, 2004

Team America Trailer and Website Live!

teamamerica.jpgI've got to say that I'm not particularly a fan of South Park but every now and then Parker and Stone come up with a work of undeniable genius - like that clip they did for Bowling For Columbine - that has me laughing until I'm gasping for breath while also providing some pointed political commentary. Enter Team America. While it's way too early to say whether they can make this work over the course of an entire film the trailer for Parker and Stones puppet animated satire has just hit online and it is some mighty funny stuff, taking square aim at both the left and right wings of American politics and current American foreign policy. Check out the website here and the trailer here.

Oops ... check that ... looks like they've pissed someone off already, 'cause they've got squatters on their website, but the trailer still works fine ...

Posted by John Campea at July 31, 2004 11:02 AM


You know what I like about them....they don't give a sh*t. They will roast anyone.....and while it might be at some points low brow humor....they have a brightness....kinda like most guys....."pull my finger and then lets talk about the goverment". I like the fact that they kept the strings...great stuff. I would hate to be in their cross hairs....

Posted by: jason at July 31, 2004 11:35 AM

All I can say is that, I personally am convinced, they made this movie because they were pissed off that Thunderbirds was made as a live action movie. I have no basis for this statement, other than those are marionettes, and if the trailer is accurate in saying that John Kerry specifically will be pissed off then they must have made the movie REALLY recently.

Posted by: twitch at August 3, 2004 06:40 PM

PABAAH is urging people to boycott this film. It makes fun of the war on terror and they also released the latest trailer over 9/11 weekend. Extremely insensitive. Please goto http://www.pabaah.com for more information.

Posted by: americanpatriot2004 at September 17, 2004 12:44 PM