July 13, 2004

Superman Now Directorless

I noticed this a while ago on Ain't it cool, but since someone just made a recent comment in our old Superman thread, I thought I should mention it.

The director, who is so affectionately known as "McG" [is it wrong to giggle EVERY SINGLE time I type that name out?] is now out of the directors chair for the up and coming Superman movie. So once again, more stuff gets thrown up in the air. If there was a release date, which there isn't, but if there was, it just got pushed back even farther.
Apparently, the McG [...erk..giggle...] trouble started when he was told that filming in Australia would save the production tens of millions of dollars. McG [...dohh.. chortle] seems to think filiming here is worth spending 15 million dollars on. Admirable, but if I could save 15 million dollars by filming a movie in the frigid air of Nepal with my good hand crammed up my butt, I'd do it. Maybe that's just me.

Aintitcool.com's article.

Posted by John Campea at July 13, 2004 12:34 AM


Thank God....I don't think I could handle superman kicking the crap out of Lex in "Matrix" mode....sorry. And I don't see Michael Bay doing a quality movie....I'm trying to picture that film in my head....Superman standing at his front door with Will Smith asking Lois Lane if she "would like to have a three some"....

Posted by: Jason at July 13, 2004 08:53 AM

Who would be a great director to take Superman? Mabey this is a Knee Jerk Reaction to the great trailer I just saw.....but I think Michael Mann would do a good job....Personally.....I would like to see someone like Tarrentino take it....at least it would be diffrent....at least it would be worth my money....

Posted by: jason at July 13, 2004 08:56 AM

Man, I'm a Superman fan since i was a like kid, and hearing all this crap it make me sad, first with Christopher Reeves accident, now this. Come on, when is the movie star shooting.

Posted by: Unkown at July 13, 2004 09:26 AM

Jason, Tarrentino would make an awesome Batman movie. Batman is much darker and he'd bleed me. It also seems like Spielberg might be a good Superman guy.

Posted by: Ry at July 13, 2004 02:58 PM

re: my other post (above)
Batman would bleed "more," not "me"

and I didn't realize the Ain't It Cool thread already had suggested Spielberg.

Posted by: Ry at July 13, 2004 03:01 PM

Speilberg....ehhhh....not sure if I would like his "cute" version....but I would pay twice to see Tarentio's take on the man of steel. Hell....give it to....whats the director of "Seven"....his name is...ummmmmmmm

Posted by: jason at July 13, 2004 05:26 PM

...David Fincher.

He is a good person.

Posted by: Day-Vuh at July 13, 2004 06:43 PM

On second thought, Tarrentino would be nice -- Superman could go _real_ bad, the problem is Warner Brothers would never, ever let such a thing happen. So if they're going to make it cute, let the best make it cutest.

*This is no way means to imply Spielberg is "the best," (c.f. "The Terminal").

Posted by: Ry Rivard at July 13, 2004 08:14 PM

Good God... thank you.

I dont know why McG isnt there, and I dont care. As long as he isnt doing this. (and I giggle too when I type his name)

I will say it again as you are not likely to hear me say it enough. MAKE IT TRUE TO THE ORIGINAL CONCEPT. Its a comic book hero movie, have someone make it true to the books. Thats it.

Any director willing to take it in that direction makes the short list for me.

Posted by: Rodney at July 14, 2004 01:57 AM

If I were to agree with keeping it true to the original......then do it this way......set it in the 50's and make it like...ummmmmmm.......give it that "Hoosier's" feel.....grainy,old school,ect.......make it like a throw back....speilberg could do that well!

Posted by: jason at July 14, 2004 09:19 AM

Just saw over at AICN that Brian Singer signed on to direct "Superman Returns".....While I have no problem with that choice.....I would have never guessed that the director of one comic book movie would sign on to do a completly diffrent movie.....doesn't that put him as a Comic Book Director....instead of a Great Director that did a comic book movie? I would have never guessed.....better than McG.....not as good as Tarentino....just my thought

Posted by: jason at July 17, 2004 12:59 PM

Bryan Singer was the director repsonsible for the XMen movies.

If he is indeed attached to this project than I am MORE than excited.

As mentioned before, most of us comic movie fanboys credit Singer with ressurrecting the superhero genre after Joel Schumacher raped the genre with Batman and Robin.

Posted by: Rodney at July 17, 2004 01:55 PM

You've probably already heard but according to AICN the old script has been scrapped along with all planning up to this point for the new Superman movie. Bryan Singer and the X-men 2 team are now heading this project and writing it fron scratch. Personally, I don't have a burning need to see the Red and Blue boyscout on the big screen again but if it's going to be done, it should be done right. And I think Singer could dish out something pretty interesting. So, to me, this is good news.

Posted by: Mantiss at July 17, 2004 02:54 PM

Wow. I wonder what the running tally of wasted money developing this film is now? Back when Burton and Cage were attached they both had guaranteed contracts, so they both got paid even though the film never got made ... throw in all the writers, directors and producers that have logged paid time on this and I'll bet they're past fifty mil spent already without being any closer to actually shooting a single frame ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 17, 2004 04:11 PM

I would like to see the suit that McG had made....does anyone know of a Picture on the net? I bet the "package" is BIG!

Posted by: jason at July 19, 2004 10:14 AM

I believe that the current format of Superman has been down to the hilt. Not ever reading Marvel comics, I do not know all the badies that Superman has faced, but I do believe that the whole formula should be revamped with a whole new list of badies for the Boy Scout to fight. I did like the slightly darker side of the S-man that Smallville portrayed (even though the series was a bit girly for my taste), and I would like to see this in the film. Superman with edge, with badies to match. De Niro, Pacino, Samual L would all make superb badies. The Role of Superman is a difficult one...........nope I cant think of an obvious choice!. Director again not sure, has Tarrantino done a comic book film yet!? Now that would be a dark film.

Posted by: David Terry at July 19, 2004 11:46 AM

The reason you wont find the enemies in Marvel comics that Superman faced is because Superman is published by DC Comics.

This of course just emphasizes your point, but I thought I would let you know.

I am curious though, considering you don't know any of Superman's classic foes, why would you need to see new ones? I would think someone so removed from the Superman story would be suprised with any villian.

Singer has be confirmed to take over the project. Rest assured it will be a GREAT movie, but don't count on him to change anything. He is a purist!

Posted by: Rodney at July 19, 2004 01:40 PM

It's being reported that Brian Singer, the man responsible for the genius that was X-Men 1+2, is going to be directing Superman. There are other side notes involved with this announcement, you can read those here http://comingsoon.net/news.php?id=5608

Posted by: twitch at July 19, 2004 05:22 PM

Rodney, that does emphasize my point, in a somewhat condisending and sarchastic way, which I feel was harsh. Yes I am somewhat removed from the comic book Superman (actually comic books in general. Why do grown mean insist on reading these?!). However, having seen some of the original series, the original films, the last Superman series (with Dean whats hes name?) am not completly removed from the franchise. I meant new enemies from the likes of Lex Luther etc who have all been seen many times before. My point was meant (if not articualted very well, it was a long day yesterday!) that the whole Superman format, for it to be successful again, needs to have an edge to it (like X-men, Spidey, Batman etc).

Posted by: David Terry at July 20, 2004 03:39 AM

If you read this page much at all you will find that I am that guy who keeps saying "keep the comic book movies true to the comic books"

I do that. A lot.

And yes. Grown men do read this. Many of them. I read a quote that nearly half of the demographic for mainstream comic books are over the age of 21.

Dean Cain did a fine job in the previous Superman series, and Smallville (albeit somewhat Dawson Creek'd) is a fantastic series.

Superman wouldnt be Superman if not for criminals like Lex Luthor. Its the typical brains vs brawn/worthy opponent situation.

And Singer didnt add much of an edge that wasnt already in the books. He just did it RIGHT and thats why it succeeded. Same as Tim Burton's Batman, and Raimi's Spiderman.

They all did it right. That was the edge. Superman wouldnt be right without the proven chemistry of his typical lineup of villans. Luthor is merely one of many "world class" opponents that Supes had to face, but easily the toughest challenge.

Posted by: Rodney at July 20, 2004 08:29 AM

Maybe Rodney, and I never meant to say adults shouldn't read comic books. Having never read them, I guess I just associate them with children. Not really knowing there content, I shouldnt really comment. I am probably the only man that comes on here to also have never read the Lord of the Rings (and I have never seen the films!) so I guess I need to open up my reading horizons. I'm very much a crime, mystery, suspense, thriller, gangster or comedy kinda man. Fantasy / Superheros are never that high on my list of must sees. Saying like, I did like the first couple Batman, Spiderman and the X-men. I get annoyed when someone takes a John Grisham book and changes the film. So I guess its the same for comic book fans.

Posted by: David Terry at July 20, 2004 11:34 AM

Maybe Rodney, and I never meant to say adults shouldn't read comic books. Having never read them, I guess I just associate them with children. Not really knowing there content, I shouldnt really comment. I am probably the only man that comes on here to also have never read the Lord of the Rings (and I have never seen the films!) so I guess I need to open up my reading horizons. I'm very much a crime, mystery, suspense, thriller, gangster or comedy kinda man. Fantasy / Superheros are never that high on my list of must sees. Saying like, I did like the first couple Batman, Spiderman and the X-men. I get annoyed when someone takes a John Grisham book and changes the film. So I guess its the same for comic book fans.

Posted by: David Terry at July 20, 2004 11:34 AM

Indeed, you are free to like the type of movies or books you choose to. We never implied that your lack of exposure to the genre makes you less of a valid movie goer.

My father has never seen anything Science Fiction having been hated out of the genre in the 70s with the original StarTrek cheese. Doesnt mean he doesnt enjoy a good movie.

And yes, when Grisham or Crighton make some well put together novels and someone mashes them through the shredder to make a blockbuster, it upsets the fans. People who never read those authors might never know the difference.

I am told this is what happened with Timeline, and after seeing the movies, I still cant manage to get through reading the Jurassic Park novels. I keep trying to fit what he wrote into the film.

Posted by: Rodney at July 20, 2004 02:54 PM