July 15, 2004

Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2. This is not a Joke. There's a Trailer to prove it.

One of the worst movie-related experiences my eyes have been scathed by was, now try and imagine this for a second - being practically FORCED to watch Baby Geniuses -TWICE- while on a 46 HOUR bus ride. ... ... You almost barfed didn't you? I lived. Barely. If you feel real bad, send money.

Since then, and though I have conquered my ability to sit in a bus, I doubt I will ever, not that I'd want to, overcome the need to avoid all things "Baby Geniuses" related for the rest of my natural life.

And today I stumbled on THIS TRAILER. (THIS ONE for Quicktime) I Hate Earth. No really, Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2????? What in Sam-blazes???? With Jon Voight?? And Scott Baio? Mother HUMPER!

They made a sequel. They made a SEQUEL!! HOW THE MOTHER F##&$!(@#$%??? I'd expect to see the forgotten sequel to Mac & Me before I saw this get through a studio. And from this trailer, I can't see any reason why this next movie isn't going to rape my ocular cavities as spectacularly as the last one did. - That is, of course, assuming I'll see it - which I won't - Unless I'm paid - - - 8 Billion dollars.
My nerve synapses have been misfiring for the last 20 mintues. I can't quite comprehend why anyone thought that "Baby Gen;;ks###kf[]" [sorry] would be a good idea. Or, going even furthur, how it would turn out to be anything but a complete "Punch-myself-in-the-Crotch-a-thon". I don't even want to think about this.. I can't take it - I need to hit an orphan. Excuse me.

Posted by John Campea at July 15, 2004 10:42 AM


I feel my brain growing smaller from just knowing that this movie is coming......kinda makes me look forward to seeing Police Academy 8........ok, c ya later....got to pop in my limited edition double VHS of "Mannequin"

Posted by: jason at July 15, 2004 12:02 PM

You actually own that, doncha?

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 15, 2004 12:06 PM

Wow. Chachi's still alive. Who knew?

Posted by: Bubba at July 15, 2004 12:25 PM

The more I read "Movieblog" the more I realize that I too could Green Light Bad Movies and do it for less than what they pay the studio exec's......ohhhh...gotta go......the mail arrived and I am expecting my Beta Max Hi Def "Attack of the 50 foot woman"...you know the classic with Daryl Strawberr.....er Hanna

Posted by: Jason at July 15, 2004 03:53 PM

The more I read "Movieblog" the more I realize that I too could Green Light Bad Movies and do it for less than what they pay the studio exec's......ohhhh...gotta go......the mail arrived and I am expecting my Beta Max Hi Def "Attack of the 50 foot woman"...you know the classic with Daryl Strawberr.....er Hanna

Posted by: Jason at July 15, 2004 03:53 PM

Mac and me....wow, that brought back memories I had thought were long gone and buried after being hacked into indecipherable bits. Thanks a pantload...now I have 8 more years of therapy.

Posted by: Mantiss at July 15, 2004 06:24 PM

"Mac and Me"....didn't that have a bunch of McDonalds plugs threw out the entire movie? Wasn't his ship shaped like a big golden "M"? And come to think of it....wasn't the kid called "Ron"? Ahhhhhhhhh.....needless corperate ad placement......got to go.....My McHonda Civic is over heating.....

Posted by: Jason at July 15, 2004 07:02 PM

Someone better go see this. It certainly won't be me. Don't you guys have some sort of obligation to your readers to do a review of this movie?

What's that? Do I like to inflict suffering? Me? Never.

Posted by: Jonstafa at July 16, 2004 01:45 AM

I don't know why they gonna make a second movie of Baby geniuses...Because the first movie sucked!!


Posted by: Wesley at July 18, 2004 05:58 PM

What do you expect from a movie that used "Putting on the Ritz" in one of the sequences?!?
It's annoying... it's annoying... IT'S ANNOYING!

Posted by: AngeFaitore at August 2, 2004 09:05 AM