July 23, 2004

So, How Bad Is Catwoman? Apparently Very.

catwoman.jpgWow. You know a film is bad when its the largest major release of the week, has been the object of a major ad campaign and one of the entertainment weeklies in a major city decides to run an article detailing the best films of its genre but can't even be bothered to review the film itself. That happened this week ... Now Magazine here in Toronto ran an article on the best comic adaptations of all time this week - similar choices to my own list, by the way - while similtaneously refusing to waste any space whatsoever on a Catwoman review. Ouch.

How bad is it? Check this out:

Metacritic score: 24 / 100
Rotten Tomatos score: 13 / 100

In short, the critics loathe it. It's really hard to score that low.

For your reading enjoyment I present some entertaining quotes courtesy of Rotten Tomatos:

"The Showgirls of superhero movies." Robert Elder, Chicago Tribune

"Putting Halle Berry in a tight leather suit is a good idea. The rest of the film is not." Boo Allen, Denton Record Chronicle

"So much talent wasted. So much money squandered. So much opportunity missed." Winda Benedetti, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER

"Most of the movie has the cruddy lighting and generic, death-by-franchise atmosphere of a third-rate spectacle that's been worked over by too many hacks." Owen Gleiberman, ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY

"It's bad enough that not only are careers over, but somebody should be slapped." Walter Chaw, FILM FREAK CENTRAL

"Catwoman has all the appeal of a hairball." Jeffrey Bruner, DES MOINES REGISTER

"Feels as if it’s been pieced together from a dozen or so Ally McBeal parodies posing as hip-hop videos." Ed Gonzalez, SLANT MAGAZINE

Posted by John Campea at July 23, 2004 10:31 AM


As if we didn't already know....

Posted by: jason at July 23, 2004 10:58 AM

Yeah, but some of those quotes made me laugh so hard I had to put them up ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 23, 2004 01:00 PM

Does anyone else have that sinking feeling that Hally Berry is circleing the drain? Shouldn't someone with the freedom to pick whatever movie she want....pick something a little better? I just have a bad feeling about movies she is in....I was pumped when I found out she was in the Bond fil...and that sucked. I thought I would like her in Gothika...sucked. Hope those pay days are worth it...because I don't think any other little gold statues will be coming her way anytime soon.....FLUSH!

Posted by: jason at July 23, 2004 01:54 PM

I think that she decided to go the John Travolta way with her career....Good Flick,Bad Flick,Bad Flick,Bad Flick,Bad Flick......No Career....Comback Flick,Expensive Flick,Bomb,Bad Flick,Bad Flick,Ect.....

At some point....she will be on the Actors Studio talking about the day that Tarrentino called to offer her the Pam Greir part in Foxy Brown......Flush!

Posted by: jason at July 23, 2004 01:57 PM

I HATE JOHN TRAVOLTA.....Grrrrr....Wouldn't hurt my feelings if he was never in another movie EVER AGAIN...

Posted by: dmiller23462 at July 23, 2004 04:11 PM

Halley Berry + Leather Suite=Good Concept....Bad Movie

Posted by: jason at July 24, 2004 11:10 AM

Has anyone even bothered to check this movie out? I'm certainly not going to. Someone should go see it. Just to tell us how bad it really is.

If no one does, I'll understand. It isn't worth wasting 10 bucks on. But we already knew this, anyway.

Posted by: Jonstafa at July 24, 2004 04:08 PM

I may go to see it. I'm a big Ed Wood fan and love to watch films that ole eddie would have been proud of. I do believe this could be right up there with "ID4, Lost In Space, The Avengers, Battlefield Earth and Men in Black II" This just may be a hoot to watch.

Posted by: Herby at July 25, 2004 01:09 AM


Actress/Model Shannon Marie Codner Offers to Go Mano-a-Mano
With Halle Berry, Announces Release of First Nude Images on www.katwoman.com

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. (July 31, 2004) -- In the wake of Catwoman's dismal opening weekend at the box office -- with the $90 million Warner Bros. release snagging just $17 million -- the Internet's original Katwoman has issued a provocative challenge to film star Halle Berry.

Shannon Marie Codner (www.katwoman.com), known online as Katwoman since the mid-'90s, has offered to go toe-to-toe with Berry in a topless "katfight." Ms. Codner said she was moved by critical huzzahs that greeted the film and the disappointing opening gross.

"I'm not the type who hits a girl when she's down, especially when I'm such a huge fan,” Ms. Codner said. “But the Oscar winner has strolled into the wrong lair here, and there’s a certain amount of feline honor at stake. I'll meet her anywhere... on Playboy TV, on the Web -- even the corner of Sunset and Doheny
“Not to be catty or anything, but I was miffed at GQ Magazine, which this month calls Halle ‘the Sexiest Catwoman Alive,’” said Kevin Tealey of Bakersfield, Calif., a longtime Katwoman fan. “Halle is a brilliant actress and a great person and all, but that role is already spoken for.”

The Katfight challenge coincides with the debut of Ms. Codner’s first – and free -- nude layout on the Katwoman site. The popular Net model will be posting classy new images on the site on a regular basis, in keeping with her vow to retain the title of “Sexiest Katwoman.”

Ironically, Halle Berry and Shannon Marie Codner have a good deal in common. Both actresses have links to comic book characters – Berry to X-Men, Ms. Codner to the new Barelee Human strip.

Barelee Human, the first in a new breed of comic book superheroes, is the brainchild of renowned illustrator George Delorenzo of Delorenzo Comics, who Ms. Codner inspired. Together, they have created a hot new character that promises to take the graphic novel to places it has never gone before. Ms. Codner is now seeking investors to bring the comic strip to the big screen.

The plot follows Barelee, a pin-up superhero who has been sheltered all her life. A sweet, innocent, country girl, she comes to the big city for the first time and strange things begin to happen to her after an unfortunate incident. She soon discovers that she has superpowers; the more intense she becomes, the more revealing her clothes (or lack thereof) are. These powers -- levitation, the ability to walk through walls, telepathy – evolve and expand as the series continues. The content of the strip is provocative; highlights and behind-the-scenes material will be available on the Katwoman site.

Meanwhile, Berry’s publicist is invited to ping Ms. Codner at [email protected]. And let the fur fly.

Press contact:
Ken Greenberg
Expressive Media Group

Posted by: Mark at August 1, 2004 10:07 PM

very bad flim.toss in trash can,she was to cocky

Posted by: Bob Lindgren at August 9, 2004 11:40 AM

Anyone know where I can read up on more info on this

Posted by: playboy tv at November 1, 2004 06:38 PM

Could anyone tell me some quotes of the Catwoman film? I would preciate that! :D

Posted by: Emma at March 7, 2005 01:21 PM

halley barry + ron gerimy = asum porno

Posted by: quintous at May 27, 2005 07:05 AM