July 13, 2004

Six Minute Steamboy Trailer Online!

steamboy.jpgYeah, I know I've already posted a bunch about this film but what can I say, I'm looking forward to it. Six minutes of footage from Steamboy - the new film from the director of Akira, due out in North America on October - is now streaming online here. Nummy.

Posted by John Campea at July 13, 2004 09:20 PM


There is a review of this over on The Japan Times website.

Posted by: EON at July 14, 2004 03:41 AM

The link didn't work for me.

Is there an english version of this clip? Google just sent me to all the Japanese clips.

Either way, even though I couldnt tell what they were saying. It looks incredible. The animation looks like the style of Akira too, not just directed. I hope it has a good story! I am excited on visuals alone.

Posted by: Rodney at July 14, 2004 03:48 AM

dudes, I just came back from Japan, and while I was there I saw the actual movie, which was really cool. It kinda reminded me of Metropolis for its kind of Busy Metropolis-type look in a lot of the movie, but one thing really concerned me... is Rei(the main character) Russian, or English?!

Posted by: Philippe at July 28, 2004 04:01 PM