July 16, 2004

Shark Tale

sharktale.jpgDreamworks Pictures is set to release SharkTale and the trailer is now available from the official website. I found the button on the main page wasn't working, so you have to enter the site and navigate to VIDEO.

There are some predictable character types (vegitarian shark) that will make you think of Finding Nemo, but still enticing enough to make you want to see it.

Dreamworks is famous for piling on the big names for voice actors (look up Prince of Egypt) and this is no exception. Will Smith, Robert DeNiro, Renee Zellwegger, Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Martin Scorcese, and a pile of others who may not be superstars, but you will know them.

Of course the comparisons will be made to Finding Nemo. It almost appears DW is has a copycat syndrome for Pixar. Pixar's Bug's Life and then Dreamworks Ants, and Pixar has Nemo, and Dreamworks does Shark Tale.

As long as they are all good quality, I don't care.

This will definately be better than Disney's first post-Pixar CGI film "Chicken Little".

Posted by John Campea at July 16, 2004 01:21 PM


I dunno ... I saw this trailer a while ago and it did nothing at all for me. This is gonna disappear fast, I think ... they're opening it way too close to The Incredibles.

Posted by: Bubba at July 16, 2004 01:23 PM

Yeah I also watched the trailer a while ago and I wasn't impressed.The main character or the one that will smith does the voice for is annoying,It still might make money though just cause it's 3D and is similar to finding nemo but the story sucks in my opinion

Posted by: Daniel at July 16, 2004 01:39 PM

Say what you want....the trailer looks funny. I'm sure I could spend my 8 bucks in worse ways. Pixar makes great movies....but they won't continue to do that if the don't have any competion.....just us sitting around waiting for the next Computer Pixar Film.....I liked Ice age too....Bug's Life was better than Ants....yadda,yadda,ect.......I spent more on less...

Posted by: Jason at July 16, 2004 01:59 PM

I have been Jonesing for the Incredibles for about a year now. I can't wait.

But it is being released a good MONTH after SharkTales.

Not saying this is going to be a huge blockbuster or dominate for 8 weeks, but it will hog some of the spotlight for at least 2 weeks.

That and a fastfood chain will likely have toys based on it that my 6 year old will insist on owning.

Posted by: Rodney at July 16, 2004 02:26 PM

The odds that Shark Tale will make money is pretty good. However, I think the odds that it won't do so well are, at the very least, real.

Granted, this movie has more cultural pantomime, but there is a distinct possibility that the viewing public may think this is TOO similar to Nemo (even the post mentions "Nemo" twice) and will just sit their kids down to watch the Nemo DVD again.

Posted by: Day-vuh at July 16, 2004 02:48 PM

Saw the trailer in front of a kids movie in a theatre filled with kids including my own.
None of the kids laughed giggled or cheered at anything in Sharks Tale. Next up, the Spongbob trailer has the house rocking.
I found the humour and scatalogical references to be way too adult to appeal to the kids.

Posted by: ushaped at July 16, 2004 03:25 PM

Other than the Shrek films, and Prince of Egypt, Dreamworks doesn't have a very good track record for animation. Their films generally don't turn much in the way of profit, and generally for pretty good reasons ... I found the writing in this pretty tired and I REALLY don't like the character designs. Half of them look like they went and mashed a human face onto a fish body and the end result is just really unbelievable ... I saw the trailer for this back to back with the Spongebob one as well and the theater I was in had the exact same reaction. Silence for Shark Tale, cheering for Spongebob ...

Posted by: Bubba at July 17, 2004 07:08 AM

In regards to the repeated concept that the kids were cheering for Spongebob but silent through SharkTale.

The kids know nothing about SharkTale, you cant compare it to Spongebob. They all watch Spongebob on TV, have seen it a hundred times. When that sea captain says "I CANT HEAR YOU!!" all the kids can sing along.

SharkTale is not some cheap ploy to get more money from a show the kids are already watching.

If you want to compare it to something, compare it to Nemo. This movie has more in common with Nemo than a TV series.

Posted by: Rodney at July 17, 2004 01:49 PM

True enough that Spongebob has a built in audience, but there have been PLENTY of trailers that I've shown to my kid where he's had no prior knowledge of the characters that he's loved immediately and wanted to watch over and over. When I showed him the Shark Tale one I got no response at all. Asked him if he wanted to see the trailer again. He said no. Asked him if he wanted to see the movie when it came out. He said no. By comparison he was hyped up to the n-th degree the very first time he saw the Nemo trailer and was excited about seeing it in the theater for months. Same thing for Shrek. This one aint doing anything for him at all and we won't be spending money to go see it.

Posted by: Bubba at July 17, 2004 03:58 PM

i remember jack black way back when....didnt he play an extra in the foo fighters' (or somebody's music) video a few years ago? great about your success, jack! more power to ya.

Posted by: K. Ann Barnett at July 17, 2004 04:19 PM

Rumor has it that "Shark Tale" is a homeless man's "Finding Nemo." The trailer is as tiresome as the TriBeCa preview was. Yawn.(Even the kids in attendance were bored beyond belief.) And the De Niro, Pastore and Imperioli characters are lame. Plus, Peter Falk plays a Jewish shark mobster called Don Feinberg. This almost sounds anti-Semitic. I'm surprised Steven Spielberg, of all people, would permit such stereotypes to be peddled to young children.

Posted by: Royce Cromwell at July 25, 2004 05:34 PM

Dear,Sharktale crew
Hi my name is vanessa,my moms name is Eva,my dads name is Joe,my sisters name is Adriana,and my brother name is Matt.We all want to win the sweepsatkes,and to see your movie really bad.When we first herd about the sweepstakes i got on the enternet and went on the website, when i went on the website i read the directions,and when iwas done i was trying to find were you write your adress and stuff so you can try to win ,but we didn't see it and we checked all over yall's website but there was nothing to write our stuff to win. I really wanted to win beacause i get to see the celebs,Will Smith,and watch the movie before the other people could.So I was wondering if ya'll can help us out please,please i really want to win if you do this will be the exciting thing i've ever did in my life. So Please let us win.
The Dubs Family
P.s. write back to this e-mail adress it is [email protected] . so please let us win,and write back please do both it will make so exciting.

Posted by: vanessa at August 18, 2004 09:11 PM

Dear,Sharktale crew
Hi my name is vanessa,my moms name is Eva,my dads name is Joe,my sisters name is Adriana,and my brother name is Matt.We all want to win the sweepsatkes,and to see your movie really bad.When we first herd about the sweepstakes i got on the enternet and went on the website, when i went on the website i read the directions,and when iwas done i was trying to find were you write your adress and stuff so you can try to win ,but we didn't see it and we checked all over yall's website but there was nothing to write our stuff to win. I really wanted to win beacause i get to see the celebs,Will Smith,and watch the movie before the other people could.So I was wondering if ya'll can help us out please,please i really want to win if you do this will be the exciting thing i've ever did in my life. So Please let us win.
The Dubs Family
P.s. write back to us ok. so please let us win,and write back please do both it will make so exciting.

Posted by: vanessa at August 18, 2004 09:14 PM

I sympathize with your frustration as to instructions to enter this Sweepstakes.

I had not heard of such a thing, so even if I was an employee or even remote contact with the company producing Shark Tale, I couldn't help you.

This is a Movie news website. We dont have any affilliation with any studio or promotion companies.

Best of Luck entering the contest. I am sure the sweepstakes details are found on the official Shark Tale website. Considering this is a sweepstakes, the reason you may not be able to find an address to send letters to is to avoid people contributing efforts to try and "win" the tickets. By definition, if this is a sweepstakes then the winner will be chosen by a random draw. Your letter will likely have little to do with changing the outcome.

Posted by: Rodney at August 18, 2004 09:33 PM

I am the General Manager for Carmike Cinemas Wynnson 7 I Have some great ideas for the upcoming promotion on shark tales, it would be very helpful if i can get as much promotional items as possable i will be sending radio and t.v. letterhead soon. i fully intend to give you an all out effort on this promotion.

My name is Robert Johnson
3039 Boone Trail Ext.
Fayeyyeville NC. 28304
C/O Wynnsong 7

again i would like to thank you in advance for any help i can get and look forward to many more future project pictures with Dreamworks.

Posted by: Robert Johnson at September 7, 2004 07:06 PM

Shark tale looks so stupid the fish look like they got hit in the face with a club or sumthin

Posted by: Fatty at September 16, 2004 12:30 AM

How very eloquent.

Just when I had hopes that someone would offer some insight or constructive statements, they get hit in the face with a club or sumthin.


Posted by: Rodney at September 16, 2004 12:34 AM

When I saw the add, I was struck by how visually uninteresting the movie seemed. I was suprised that the people who gave us the visually sumptuous Shrek were also responsible for Shark Tale. I mean, the colour design in the movie looks so bright and garish.

Posted by: Alberti at September 28, 2004 01:10 PM

The I saw Was Pretty Funny to me.Say what you want I think the movie will be awesome.

Posted by: Tramaine at September 29, 2004 09:03 PM

The trailer I saw was funny to me.
Say what you want it's going to be a hit.
That's my opinion

Posted by: Tramaine at September 29, 2004 09:05 PM

sharktales is one of the greatestmovieI have seenand let me tellIhave seen a lotof good movies in my life

Posted by: alexander at October 25, 2004 10:17 PM

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Posted by: two feet texas holdem serial number at November 9, 2004 02:50 PM

I think this film is quite cool , I think they have got it right along the tight rope of '' Finding Nemo '' , Which they planned to do ! , pixar are slowly working thier way upto being on the best disney creators on the planet , Animation is great , Actors were sublime and i give this film 10 / 10 ! Well done !!!!

Posted by: Indie at November 24, 2004 06:35 AM

i think its good and its rlly funny i enjoyed it lyk ineva enjoy dat many cartoon movies

Posted by: helen at February 21, 2005 03:01 AM